BG Quillboar situation

So, DEVS, what are you going to do about th Quillboar situation? Last season it was all about them, now when they get the strongest trinkets, it is again all about Quillboars. Just lost about 8 games of duos basically to high Quillboar rolls.

You already chased me from the regular HS, are you trying to get me off the game entirely? Cause if that is the case, you are doing a good job!

(BTW: You have already managed to make me stop spending money on the game.)

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What about Undead chain spawning nightmares with replenishing reborn, attack after attack with hundreds of attack numbers?

What about beasts that spawn tockens with hundreds of stats?

What about the pirate scam, that you attack once, and only watch enemy spawning goblin after goblin, after goblin, after goblin… untill all your minions are dead?

What bout your minions attack the Barron once every 100 games?

What about the golden Duck scam build, that you only attack the summoned tocken ducklings, and if you don’t have huge luck and cleave minion, you are screwed?

What about the murlocks that have one gigantick line of stats and you don’t know which one is which and whose is it?

The power behind most builds is Baron. And yes, the Baron has secret ‘stealth’ so the chance of killing him early is almost zero.

The Barron, previous and current was always a manace, no other minion ever was… But this patch there are waaay to many scam builds, beast, pirates, undead, mechs…

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True, but to do well with these builds you need to get the right pieces very early on. Undead gets squashed hard if they are just a little late to the party.

Pirates get murdered if they don’t high roll very early.

I put together a good Demon build today but got hammered by a Dragon build with 7k minions. Best Dragon build I have ever seen. I knew it was coming so I went hard scam, didn’t help. I managed to drop two big boys but got flattened.

T3 beasts on T4 are extreemly easy to pull off, with the trinkets scene, it is even easier.

1 golden parot
2 normal parots
1 golden leapfrog
1 sly raptor
1 mount
1 barron

swap sly raptor for manasaber if you don’t get your hands on the raptor, reborn or everything… this absurd can beat any loby… ANY…

1 Baron is often not good enough, it has to be golden. That’s tough to get.

I had a good Frog build today and I lost to a very good Naga build. The last minion killed my last minion and just survived. Fortunately my team mate had a smacking Pirate build and we won the lobby. He had a golden Baron and T7 to produce insane amounts of chits.

it is super easy to golden the barron with many ingame mechanics, tavern spells, trinkets, hero powers…

Then I am just unlucky I guess. If I have had two Golden Barons since BG Duos launched, I would be surprised.

I agree that the sheer number of scam builds is insane. Since I originally posted this, I have seen all the builds mentioned above. Still the most common I see is quillboars with endless divine shield from the Jar.

To be honest, though, I find frog builds and nightmare builds especially annoying: a) because I find the Baron situation also not OK (even though it seems that my Baron always dies before the opponents one - is it because I stopped spending money on HS?); b) the animations drive me crazy - you spend 3-4 minutes just watching frogs jum, nighmares spawn.

To conclude - just another nail into the coffin of HS…

If I start playing frog scam, and end up with another frog scam opponent I quit the game… it is endles string of jumps on both sides and it is absurd…

They don’t care about anything, about anything. Because do you care about a dead game ?