BG - Speed up animations

Hello, just like a title says - Speed Up animations! It is so frustrating to end the battle and not having time for shop phase. In many cases, the game becomes unplayable. How do you imagine competitive tournaments in BG? You are not allowing DCs. I do not want to DCs in everyday gameplay as well to have a shop phase… Teamfight Tactics managed to address this issue, and I believe you can as well! Let’s unite as a community and put pressure on the developers to speed up animations! There are many of us, and together we can make this happen!

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I thought the old leaping frog BS was bad but you at least had a chance for a lucky Tidus hit, but the new Spiked Savior + Monstrous Macaw is unavoidable, each deathrattle proc feels like an eternity… so how about sitting through it 3-24 times depending on triples and Tidus, and god forbid if they have Iridescent Skyblazer as that animations also takes multiple seconds multiplied by the number of SS procs… Just why?!

Also 1 armor interactions with Soul Rewinder, having 2 Wrath Weavers down and a Soul Rewinder plays both the “lose your armor” and the “Gain armor” animation twice for each demon played, and you have to wait for it as most buttons stop responding while ANY animation is playing.

I get that someone put work into creating those animations but we need a faster version for the players that want to actually play instead of get skipped, that or let us turn them off.

The soul rewinder and armor has been burden since day one and was mentioned before thousands of times, it seems that Blizzard doesn’t care at all.

Leap frogger was slow, but current Beast meta is waaaaay slower…

Bring back Leapfrogger! Sign the petition.