BG:Ban Broken Beetles

The new BG season has hardly launched and it’s just Beetle spam all over the place.

Everyone is spamming Beetles. What happened to the good old days of Leapfrogger?

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There is only 6 tribes in game ATM… What would you expecting ? :smiley:

What a dumb response. Then that is an additional issue to the terrible balancing around beatles isnt it?

Its early days, let the meta settle first. I’ve seen people win with pirates, dragons and mechs just as much as beasts.

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I hear you Big Daddy. My stats are limited to a few days of personal experience.

It is, however, just so overwhelming Beetles, that I can only conclude that Beetle mania is the new Meta.

i actually came back recently to play some more battle grounds and i had a lot of fun. But now the bg metas are so damned boring. I dont even see any murlocs, elementals and undead anymore. Why the hell did they gut the battle grounds this badly.

I noticed they also gutted the arena into something very boring. I guess ill uninstall the game again if they insist on making alot of the modes bad and boring

Beetles are boring and broken no end , mechs are so weak its not even funny ,quills can be as powerful as ever , they already removed the only murloc that could make them viable and also there is obviously a gap in the game security as ive seen so many chaters already its made me stop playing , honestly there not even hiding it players at rank 6 not losing a game on turn 8 with 2 full team boards

Is there any alternative game to the battlegrounds since they decided to destroy it? Do games like magic have a similair mode?

There are lots of strong combos, some stronger than others but several get too strong. They need to look at a way to nerf the top end to reduce how strong certain options can get.

Honestly trinkets were a good a good thing. Geting a trinket often gave a good reason to swap minion type halfway the game or make types wich performed less well more viable

But yeah no fun is allowed same way they destroyed solo adverntures ai and made arena far less fun by removing treasures and the likes

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I’ve just lost a game where four players were playing beetles and I don’t understand how they could create such a horrible combo. It’s not the first time (hurans were also a real nightmare) and I wonder if they even do tests before updating.

want 2 simple fixes for the beetle boards , ban rylak or reborn bug , that will curtail the giant growth of the bugs without killing them completely

Tbh bugs are not that as OP as freaking Quilboars and Mechs.
Quillboars are just braindead comp you just faceroll with by getting 2 cards in early.
Beetles are hard hitting but easy to counter and requiers 4 cards to make it running.

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Maybe it’s just me, but I have not seen a QB build that’s worth mentioning in BG:Duos. And I am talking Duos, not Solo.

After the new Season launched I would say Beetles rule followed by Mechs.

As usual it depends on tribes available and luck.

I’ve seen really strong QB builds that have destroyed Beetles. QB+Mech team is insane, especially with the minion that puts bloodgems on your teammates minions.

I hear you Big Daddy. It comes down to who gets their build set the earliest.

I played against an Elemental build recently that destroyed all. The player had 7 Golden minions and it was Turn 10 or something ridiculous.

So even if you play a ‘lesser’ tribe if you get set early you will pwn.