Blizzard made official statement in China

Blizzard made official statement in China regarding the Hong Kong political incident. Here is their position and a verified translation:


So the rat Mark came out of his hole after all :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
do a google search for his name + scandal

His best achievement in his whole life is scaming for milions and runing away, w/out the money. This guy is a full blown clown, i was expecting him to join the honk-honk / blizz case


this isn’t a official blizzard response, do some research before reposting fake news

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Yea i was going to say this looks really fake with the wording, the fact it doesnt link to the actuall tweet and that an apology would be sent via all accounts and translated, profile pics dont match blizz official and that isnt blizz official profile pic its a hearthstone one, which might i also add doesnt match hearthstone official twitter either

Infact, the accounts actuall name has “weibo . com” at the end which is a dead giveaway thats not official

hah, makes sense, a scammer to promote fake news.

It is from “Weibo”.
WTF is WEIBO? Chinese twitter?

If IGN is correct:
www dot ign dot com/articles/2019/10/10/verified-chinese-blizzard-account-doubles-down-on-political-policy
Edit: words are hard to spell and write

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Looked it up, weibo sounds like its essentially Chinese Twitter which i think is also owned or partly owned by tencent (the company that apperently owns part of everything)

Bit disappointed blizz actually said that but allow me to put my tin foil hat on and say they might have been forced to say that on Chinese twitter even if a lot of workes at blizz think otherwise, possibly the Chinese team for blizz trying to make sure they keep their jobs.
Ok tin foil hat off, i still remain neutral towards blizzard because just like with subnautica or hat in time, even if a someone associated with group/company did something horrible or something controversial was put in the game, im still going to enjoy the game i payed for or spent a lot of time on

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Let me just clear up something here.
The statement is from NetEase the company that has the Heartstone license in China.

CopyPasta from my other reply in an other thread.


Wait so my second suggestion for my tin foil hat theory was right? The Chinese team for blizz were just truing to make sure their keeping their jobs?
Huh first time i suggest a possibility of something for it to be highly likely true

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I don’t know if you are right about them being forced to do so. It is hard to prove.

But tinfoil hats can be useful, if used correctly. :cowboy_hat_face:
(Couldnt find an actual tinfoil hat emoji) (major forum flaw :angry:)

Quote from a Hearthstone boss : “The weak are easily ignored”
How ironic.