Blizzard, not everyone is angry

Fitting username on you, I suppose.

Yesterday and so far today sum up why even before the extra gold changes I thought I was gona get at least the same amount of gold as before.

Yesterday afternoon I had an hour sess messing around clearing 2 play 3 game dailies (monday I got an 800XP unavoidable in ranked quest so I didn’t play), I won 0 games.

In the evening I played for 3 hours during a friends stream I won 10 games.

This morning I got the spectate quest, played for an additional 15 minutes, won no games.

So my total play time was 4 hours 15 min and I won 10 games.
Old system: 33.3 gold
New 1700XP = 56.7 gold

The watch and learn is now 50 gold instead of a standard pack (I’d rather have the pack, but the discussion was just focused on gold accumulation).

Admittedly I might have won more before as I would have been playing in casual, instead of ranked and I’m well aware of the fact that I do not play the game the same as everyone else does but just an example for the people who were “U STupId aCTiViZiON sHIll, gREeDY cOmPAnY, tAKiNg GoLd OfF EvEr1, U sux MaTh”.

Won’t say how much I made as it is way more than the old system as it was hyper inflated by the weeklies/achievements and I’ll earn way less the rest of the week so it’s a silly thing to compare.

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YoU mUsT bE a bLizzArd fAnBoy wiTh yOur 1300 pOsTs !!
Do yOu GeT pAiD to sAy tHat ?!?!?!?!?!
BuRn tHe wItcH !


I think this sums up everyone’s frustration though.

You played 4 hours and got 1700xp. So towards the end of the expansion, when most people are saving up for the new expansion to get as many packs as possible, 4 hours game time doesn’t equate to a pack. Unless you can use xp to buy packs but I doubt that.

After level 50, I don’t want to play for 8 hours and not even get 150 gold.

And xp does not equal gold. XP equals levels, levels equal gold.

Ixnay, do those 1700 XP include quest rewards or is it just XP for playtime?

You know, I think heavy grinders will obtain less gold in a long run than before the change, but it is an opportunity for them to rethink their lives :slight_smile:

Actually in those 4 hours I earned 13500XP which would have been 450 gold (it was actually Tickatus, Ashes pack and 450g) compared to the 120g (from 2 dailies) + how ever much you could grind in 1 day from wins, so max 220g (if you won 30 games in 4 hours 15) and a classic pack.

This is my point of why it’s pointless to make comparisons like that, what matters is gold accumulated over time and as the dailies + weeklies get you past level 50, then equating playtime XP to gold is completely valid as each level is 4500XP and gives 150g.

That’s like saying on the old system, wins don’t equal gold > wins count towards 3 wins > 3 wins gets you 10 gold.

1700XP did earn me an extra 150g yesterday (i.e. I just ticked over a new level) but I get you’re point that it couldn’t have. You are arguing that in 1 day I would have always earned 30g on the old system, 2 days I earn nothing on the new. Whereas my point is that every 3 days, I earn 150g (new) instead of 100g (old). It’ll be different for every player and I’m definitely near the top end of “new system is better” players.

I will say it’ll be interesting to see what they’re gona do to try and keep their word of “every player will earn more gold”. That is gona take something very creative for people who used to rush to 30 every day to not be thousands of gold down and I’m looking forward to profiting from it :smile:

You’re right it now pretty pointless to do an end of expansion grind to farm gold…


That was just playtime, although I will admit that I didn’t add it up as I was doing quests/achievements at the same time, but the 400XP per hour quoted seemed to have been accurate based on a few tests I did at the start of the expansion so I did just times the 400 by 4.25.

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PS: See the number of reads on the forum, it is not like the old one. People are no longer interested as before. Only fans.

Main issue wuith new system not overall rewards but their progression. It is terrible to not gain any gold at all for 3 days straight.

Lets say you need 150 gold for duels/arena and you have only 100 gold. In old system you just complete one quest and you cna play arena. In new system depends where you are on reward track you ll need to wait 2-4 days before reachinh next level. Sure you will receive gold for 1-2 runs that way but it really feels terrible.

If they implement this xp system and keep old gold rewards i think it would be much better for everyone.


In the old system wins did equal gold. 3 wins equal 10 gold. You cant say otherwise, its a fact. If you won 3 games, the result was 10 gold.

You are saying 1700xp earned you 150g. That may be correct at the lower levels on the battle pass. I am on level 30 now, I have earned 1700xp, how much gold have I got? 0. Therefore using your logic, 1700xp = 0 gold.

My statement stands, xp does not equal gold, it equals levels and levels equal gold. If all levels had the same amount of xp in them, I would be more inclined to agree that xp = gold but it doesn’t.

Well, 3000 XP = 100 g regardless of what you say :slight_smile:

Ok, so I am on level 30 now which I need 4250 xp to get to the next level. So when I get 3000xp do I get 100g?

How do I convert xp into gold? Have I missed something?

I understand you. You want the gold RIGHT NOW as you did in the old system. Well, now, you will have to be patient.
Regarding packs, the actual value depends on the player I guess. For me, pack = 100g.

On the old system if I win 1 game, did I get gold?

I agree that it should be changed because the majority don’t like how the system feels and think it should be chopped up into smaller more equal parts.

If I cared, I’d be in a terrible spot right now where I’m probably gona complete 3 days worth of quests and get nothing, so I get it. I’m just already saving for the next expansion so getting 3 levels one hit and then a drip feed is fine for me, but I get that for most it’s not.

No, you got 3.3333333333333333333333333333 gold banked in the cloud ready to be delivered once you had achieved two more wins.

So when you got 3 wins you were rewarded with 9.9999999999999999999 gold.

Blizzard being the kind folks that hey are, rounded up the amount. Blizzard really used to be kind folks given all this free gold out.

Nah I played for 100 years and never won another game so it was worth nothing.


Hate it when then happens, I didn’t realise your real name was Connor MaCleod, good to meet you sir.

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Well I do say: “there can be only one”, every time i play Reno :smile:


Well, if you look at it this way, then your cloud bank account still exists, it just takes more time to withdraw, but you withdraw more now :slight_smile:

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My favourite deck is Highlander mage, love it big time :wink:

After much contemplation and thinking about this statement it dawned on me.

We can calculate how much xp is worth. I’m at level 30 going to 31. So when I get to 31, that’s 4250/150 which equals 28g.

As we go through the levels, our gold/xp ratio diminishes considerably.

How do you get to the figure that 3000xp = 100g?