Blizzard, raise level cap for experience track

Dear Blizzard,

It would be nice if you could increase level cap for experience track from 400 to 450 or 500. I have hit level cap 2 days ago and it’s kind of disappointing it exists. I’m one of the people who plays a lot of hearthstone hitting legend across all formats. Under old system I would still receive 10 gold per 3 wins. Therefore, I would like to ask raise cap or remove it. I’m sure many people would agree on this since I cannot find a single argument against it.

Damn that’s a lot of hearthstone. I do agree that there’s no reason to have a cap, but at least you’ll still end up with more gold than under the old system i.e. you should have more already than you used to get in between expansions.


Reaching level 400 = 20,650 gold (plus the other stuff)
Getting 30 wins EVERY day on old system = 19,040 gold (slight approx as that’s with a 60g quest per day)

So whilst not an argument against raising the cap, you’re not losing out and what’s even better is that you can have a week where you only play twice and not have lost out, whereas before that’d be 500 gold gone. Of in this case you could actually take the whole of July off :smile:

Ye it is a lot of hearthstone and poor life choices. I need find better things to do with my time. I agree that there is more gold under new system. Well I still need hit classic legend this month as i didnt have the chance yet, though I keep asking myself why though since there is no real motivation to hit triple legend every month. Would be nice if cap would be removed so we would have that at least.

Not gona lie, you’re talking to the wrong person here. I burnt out on “trying” in ranked in 2016 and arena at the end of 2017. Luckily I still find fun playing my own silly decks, helped by the fact that my mmr being WAY lower than it should be as a result, along with the surprise factor, means that I still get enough wins to be happy. Then I try 1 day a month in wild and go something like 12-1 to get to gold 10 or platinum 10 depending on how much i care.

Spent the last few hours playing very bad achievement decks but still got more than my 5 wins for the week :smile:

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I’m glad that works for you. Unfortunately for me I’m very competitive which does’t help in my case…:frowning:

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Honestly from my opinion they should have kept the System about 10 Gold per 3 Wins too.
Because in Arena you could still get odd Gold numbers and so it is maddening to have like 10 Gold missing for a new pack.

Ironically if your an arena player that’s actually a terrible argument because you used to get nothing as the 3 wins for 10 gold didn’t apply, whereas now you get XP. So if you 10g short, under the old system you’d probably be 60g short (admittedly with the option to grind out 18 wins to get the pack now)

And now this new system is making no Arena players that stuck under old system on a saving that is not divideable by 50 playing Arena because they now miss 10-60 Gold for new pack.

I means it’s a weird complaint to have:

“I want to grind a mode I don’t play for 1 pack, this new system that gives me 30+ packs per expansion for playing the mode I enjoy is terrible”

Also, arena rewards give out non-50g amounts, so the divide by 50 doesn’t really matter, as it is soley on you for not saving the thousands of extra gold in reserve if you can’t enter the arena again. If you chose to go below 600g to get a pack as an arena player, you’re doing it wrong (or play an awful lot badly).

Well the mind is strange thing. Some people tick out when it is not in neat order, some people want to get EVERYTHING despite knowing they do not need it.

Honestly if the old amount with 10 Gold per three wins with up to 100 Gold per day would be to much it could still be only 50 Gold so you can at the beginning and later if you play much with combining reward track and daily wins get one pack per day.
And honestly one pack per day is not too much.