Bots in the ranks for beginners

How to get rid of bots in the ranks for beginners? What should I do?

I play constantly every day against different players in the same class – mage. They absolutely all go the same way - sometimes they throw a fireball in their face for some reason, use turning into my weakest minion, take the same amount of time to cast a minion or use a spell, or attack in the face. Also, they all use the coin on the first move.

I’m tired of playing against bots. Starting today, I will collect nicknames, but I will not be able to determine the numbers, since absolutely all these bots ignore the friend request.

I can be wrong in relation to the fact that it may not be bots, but one person who plays on many accounts at the same time on the same mage. I don’t know why he goes for a very long time on purpose, making the same moves with the same logic. But it looks like a real AI game.

There is bots in situations where theres no played of your same skill to match against and that ai can be pretty bad sometimes. However its entirely possible some YouTube used that mage deck, made it look op and a bunch of new or low skill or just bad players are trying to copy it which is why theres so much of that deck and are probably clumsy enough to fire a fireball in thier own face cause a bot would not do that. Best way to know if it’s not a bot is if they rope or use emotes that isnt just a reply back to your greetings at the start of the game

Arent bots usually free wins?

cuz where do I buy these bots?? just curious not gonna use them or anything, swer down won’t use them.

big up myself peace out

  1. Asking that just sets you up to being scrutinized and doubted when you say “Not gonna use them or anything”.
  2. You expect anyone here to know? Or even if they did, tell you in a public forum?

blad manz just curious thats all. no need to get the fuzz on bruh.

The bots I specifically talk about are official bots which is just the solo adventure ai being given a standard deck which are used when no actual players are found to match with (and yes they do exist as the game even mentions you get more experience when you go vs real players)

Side note blizzard’s bots arent perfect and do make many miss plays, you would be better off without a one but also probably not a wise idea asking where to buy a bot on official forums as it might get you banned for cheating but no one would tell you where to get it as if they did there 100% getting banned for distributing cheating software and possibly suffer legal action


Just for future reference it’s a dangerous question to ask and can get you in trouble as it is a form of cheating or a game ruining experience for players not just for hearthstone but any game

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Undoubtedly, it is easy to play against bots. But I need real experience.

These bots do different things every day. Today, for example, they make a couple of turns, then give up.

Most likely, the owner of these accounts specifically ups the levels in order to sell these accounts later. This is wrong. Only he does it in a strange way.

Why to this day after the match there is no button to complain about the player. Although in Hearthstone, this button would only be needed to report a fraudster. The function is not particularly necessary.

IP address are monitored and if the Hearthstone account plays in another region its a instant removal unless proven otherwise if travelling if sold from the previous IP address . The selling as well from the IP address is removed if proven in most cases it is. The lower ranks or starter ranks most if any make it and are no real threat so are tolerated as they not breaking the meta or Legend Ranks.


Blizzard wants bots… that’s why they do absolutely nothing to get rid of them…They probably run the bots themselves im convinced of it at this point considering they DO ABSoULTLY NOTHING TO FIX IT!!

Been facing the same bots all night… it is literally every other game… and i play for many hours… I just came back to the game recently and this was the exact same issue that had me quitting over 5 years ago… what a worthless game development team… all they care about is $$