Bring Duels Back!

Bring duels back please!
Mercaneries is a mode which is played far less.
Battlegrounds is not for everyone but it since it has more players ( I assume) it gets all the attention.
Also without paying money it is difficult to make some new decks with craft material for new players. ( Not for me since i been playing this game since 2014 and hit the legend couple times)

Duels was everything for me in hearthstone for a year I only played that mode and it was my get away from standart meta which barely changes btw!

Arena updates are ok , though could use some more creativity. ( its been couple months now since they made a new thing in the draft which was to give legendary in the beginning of the draft.)

So please bring back duels or a new mode like that call it dungeon i dunno!

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I agree, but they won’t. Hearthstone is in a death spiral- every season’s meta settles down to 3 or 4 archetype decks, and that is just boring as hell to play against. Duels was wild and unpredictable, and provided a break from that monotony. When it died, so did Hearthstone as far as I am concerned. I still play the occasional battlegrounds, but haven’t bought a pack or played standard since Duels was removed.

I can’t live anymore since duels are gone :skull: :skull: :sob:
Greatest game mode ever, more than 30k games on it and they just removed it and now they try to force people to play other modes or the classic one, every meta quest is “play classic mode” lol.