Broken cards spoiling the game

Why are cards like Zephrys the great and Reno Jackson allowed?
I’m a new player and these just make a joke of the game and are just a crutch for people who can’t play fairly.
What’s the point in designing a deck to play to be undone by a joke of a card that can restore full life with no thought, or hardly any or a card that can totally ruin a game as you can just chuck it in?

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I feel your pain blad…big up yourself for pointing these waste batty cards out.

All the cards in the late expansion are broken.
You can clear the board and fill the board at the same turn.
It was mostly impossible back then.

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I would probably suggest playing standard as a new player, as you’ll be at less of a disadvantage in general. You have to remember that to play those cards, they have made their whole deck worse which is where the balance comes from. Once you notice there a highlander deck you can change you game plan up to play around it. Whether that be saving up surprise burst, so that you kill them when they have Reno in hand or kill them straight after they play Reno as the inconstancy of there deck means there follow-up to healing too full is weak, and you just kill them.

How do you consistently clear and fill the board on the same turn?

playing against someone who lays down zephyr and then reno after a good battle and then puts reno back into their deck is just an auto quit for me.
Spoils a good battle.
I dont mind losing a game at all if we are both playing well and the opponent has a great strategy but to lose it to stupid cards like these just spoil the game!

They have done this since 3-4 expansions ago and it really is impacting the game negatively now. Zephyrs, Reno, and now Mindrender Illuciana are cards that punish skill in this game in favour of an instant win card that negates all plays up to that point (yes she has been nerfed but 3 mana is still too little, needs to be at least 4 to not spam your opponents cards). You can’t even play around them, as most win conditions and deck compositions mean you have to play your cards in a particular way, or to even stay alive.

I usually hit legend or get close to it, but this game is dying for me now. It’s less about skill and more about having 1 card that completely swings the game in certain decks now.

I hope they bring the game back into a more competitive format, but the way things are looking it’s only going to get worse.

Good luck with the climbs people.