Bugrepport dks re-shuffle plagues into deck after they are drawn

Dk:s reshuffeling plagues into my deck after they drawn, which makes it impossible to outlive. One game a coupple of days ago i got 7 plagues drawn + 1 fatigue dmg then the 7 plagues jumped back into the deck and was drawn untill i died of over 20 dmg in just milling dmg.

This is not a bug, if DK used Helya… she made DK’s plagues endless… stupid mechanic thats for sure but they created it like this. The only way to counter Plagues is to make your hand full so Plagues will burn away… They can’t be casted because you can’t draw them into your hand. https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/97683-helya

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