Buying Runestones with Gold Coins

I’m kind of sad that we only get rewards on the Battlegrounds Questline if we have paid Runestones to access it.

Please may we have the option to purchase Runestones for Gold?

It would be a kind thing to do, it would give us more incentive to Quest and something to aim for.

Edit: At the time of writing this, I hadn’t spotted that there were actually freebies there. But, it was the choice of 4 heroes that I’m actually missing the most.


The whole point of Runestones is that they are just a place holder for real money which circumvents laws in certain countries/let’s them sell single items to cut down transaction costs. There is zero chance/point in them being made available for gold as that’s not the point of them.

Not saying things (cough +2 heroes cough) shouldn’t be available for gold directly, but buying runestones for gold makes no sense.

Cosmetic wise I’m actually happy with the track as a f2p battlegrounds player as we do actually get 10 out of the 40 rewards for free.

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Lol, yes it was the two extra heroes that I was missing. The only reason I wanted to swap gold for runestones. It would be wonderful to be able to buy those slots for gold. I’m not really sure why I miss having a choice of 4 so much.

Did spot that there were freebies on the track today, which was a nice surprise. The new quests can be a bit quirky but hey, it’s still playable and still enjoyable… don’t have to win every time to have fun.


It’s indeed pretty sad. I’m coming back after a long time, got 3000+ gold, was gonna buy the pass to get the +2 heroes because battleground is the only thing I play now, as I usually do… and poof… I’m seeing there is a new currency…

I know companies are greedy for money but the old gold combo was good enough, either you farmed the gold slowly or you buy it directly… Now as far as I know it’s impossible to get runestones for free so it’s impossible to buy the +2 heroes for free to play players…

It’s rally annoying.

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Buying Runestones is just the same now as buying directly for money, because there’s always a package of Runestones that corresponds to the original price of whatever you want to buy.

The only thing they changed is that you can’t buy perks for Gold.
Do note though that perks used to give you only a choice of 4 Heroes and access to emotes. Now, it’s called a Battlegrounds Season Pass, which gives you a fair amount more, as Battlegrounds gained a reward track of its own.

Bonus heroes have always cost money whether through individual purchase or preorder whys it suddenly outrageous now

There used to be an option to buy bonus heroes (without all the extras of the reward track) for gold only. That option is gone. I understand why, people maining BG still made gold and had nothing to spend it on so probably nobody bought extra heroes with money, while Blizzard still invested money in extending the game mode. They had to find a way to get some return on that investment.

But outside of BG nothing has changed (except the number of mouseclicks) and in BG all the rest has not really changed.

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Used to get them for 2500 gold a season I.e £0


Oh for real? Dam i always thought it was preorder or pay i get why ppl are annoyed now. Though it was just the usual drama queens

This is very Nice now says it’s all about who has more €$ whatever so you may je thé best player no way to prove because thé dumbest player has more money this is thé biggest corruption in this world it’s like politician he don’t Care about People in that way thé maker don’t Care playerbase it all about thé Benjamins