Can ... we... do... something... about... beasts... animatiooooooons!

Past 6.5-7k rating, everyone plays beasts when available, last few battles, take ridiculous amount of time, and often you end up with no tavern phase, or if you are not in the battle you end up with ridiculously long tavern phase.

Fully developed beast build with all reborn, golden parot, golden hydra…etc plays riduculous amount of animations. Expecially the one for the self damage, the wide ark, takes absurd amount of frames, and when repeated on loop, it is absurd, add a golden baron, and you wish to leave the game whatsoever…

Please either shorten the animations, or shorten the loop phases, or come up with a smart system to allow you to have a tavern phase if the battle took too long

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Is Hydra back in the new patch. Beasts need a cleaver…not.

Trigore the Lasher, it is a Hydra… oh, I got you… you thought about the cave Hydra… no it is not back, no

Ok, but they must bring back Leapfrogger so that it’s not just self damage builds.

Let’s get some diversity in BGs.

Leapfrogger will only add to the animation clutter that we already had plenty off

Hearthstone developer hiring requirements and procedures are barely different than McDonald’s hiring requirements and procedures mate, do not expect much from them. Let them have fun until the moment MS lays them off, they won’t be able to find proper jobs in the business. That’s how ridiculous the situation is at the moment.

In the next patch, I am expecting them to add rainbow effects, and flowers everywhere on the screen in addition to all the beast animations we have so far so it can take 1 hour to finish a round, so others can do their daily work meanwhile. Who does even care about them?

Oh, also bring back leaping frogs to this excitement, double the joy!

Yes let’s get Leapfrogger back into BG. That would really round out Beast build nicely.

Yeah… and buff all beast card so we all can play same build in every game. Beast are so bad now so almoste no one playing it.

The further you go up in the rankings the less builds you see anyway. Everyone is playing the same if QB/Dragons/Beasts are in the game. You see few undead wishful thinkings and some desparate Mechs, but that’s mostly it. Elementals are almost non existant. I rarely see anyone playing them anymore. Demons are heavily situational and work only if the top 3 are not in the game.

Ok, excellent ideas so far. I am now forging the one ring and binding them all.

  • Bring back the leaping frogs.
  • Double the animation times
  • Make beast cards more open to reborn, actually why do we need an extra card to make them reborn? Just make them all reborn initially, triple the animation time.
  • Buff beast deck to a point where it will inevitably be the strongest deck in the game, the ultimate power, UNLIMITED POWER!, you know what we mean…

Every turn will be 30 min. long.

Think about it devs. I think you should start to listen to your community more often.