Can't rank up over 6.7k. Loss streak after loss streak with 0 chance at winning

I just can’t do it. I’m watching guides, levelling up when necessary, not buying trash, pivoting etc. but it just doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter, because I get 10 games in a row where I can’t find a single synergy between minions. Okay, I level up, get to tier 4 where all the good stuff is - I try to stabilise and take 15 damage 3 times in a row against enemies with perfect boards.
I try to stay on 3 and stabilise, do midrange - doesn’t matter, because someone else has a better midrange board. I try to level aggressively, because my board is good - doesn’t matter, because someone has 10 times the stats I do, and I end up 6 or 7.
I only win when I a) get lucky and get synergy early b) actually have enough time to pivot into a decent board, level up and actually play the game instead of getting destroyed by someone who already has a perfect board.

In the past ~60 games I haven’t been able to climb over 6.5k, it’s just impossible.

Sometimes I lose because it’s my own fault, yes. But 70% of losses feel just forced, with zero chance of doing anything at all. All these streamers saying “just dont’ buy trash” “do this and that” - well none of it matters, when you are dead by turn 8. It doesn’t matter that I know what cards enable what, when I’m dead the turn after I buy it and if I don’t buy it and try to stabilise - I still die because my opponent is just that strong.

I am so tired of forced losses, I’m not having fun in 70% of my games. It’s not fun to be 7 or 8th with absolute guarantee, because RNG decided so.


Play beasts every game

Beasts are only viable in certain situations.

You need to get the pieces very early and hope that you do not get squashed before your Lashers are up and running.

Bro I am 6.5k+ end the crown goes to beast in every game they are in

You’re unlucky. It has nothing to do with your skill, or the other players skill.

You’re just plumb unlucky.

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What would you consider a measure of skill in a card game?
Just curious.

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Every choice you make, might be a deal breaker or step towards the win. Speaking of beasts, just won another game with beasts…

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Blizz doesnt want to rank up till you spend money /s


No Quilboars in the game? No Beast build can take a Quilboars build.

Beasts top out at around 500/500 with golden Lashers and golden support.

Quilboars laugh at 500/500 and can easily go to 3k and beyond.

QBs are dependant on so many cards, that it is very hard to put those absurd numbers, consistently. Also beasts don’t need tavern 6, even 5 most of the time. QBs definately need 6 for those numbers, or extreem luck. Beasts with minions and reborn, can put absurd stats on even tavern 4

Also if QBs are in the game, everyone buys them, making it really hard to pull consistent build or large numbers in general.

You are correct. However, Beasts need some T5 minions like Reborn Taunter and Bird, so they must go beyond T4.

As you say everyone wants to play QBs and that’s the problem. Why does everyone want to play QB? As in everyone.

If everyone wants to play QBs then one of those players will be lucky and win the QB lotto. Then you get squash.

But your comment is good.

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I know you’re being facetious, but I still find these comments amusing.
I didn’t jibe with Duos from the beginning.

Somehow, having others rely on you not making misplays and playing effectively stresses me out in a coop setting.

I like Duos. When I play Solo now it bores me because the turns take forever and there’s nothing to do.

At least with Duos there is more to do and turns aren’t so empty.

I predict that Solo will die out and we may even see Trios in the future.

Ikr. I dont play duos cos it just seems extra annoying

game is rigged when facing ai always get the perfect board