Captain Eudora Hero Power

Captain Eudora
Buried Treasure [Cost 1]

  • Dig for a Golden minion! (4 Digs Left)

Here’s what you might want to know.

A) Seem to give a random golden card (you can’t choose, you just get it, a golden copy of a minion)
B) when you play the golden copy, you can actually discover a minion (like when you triple a card)
C) Once you get your golden card, you can start again and press the button 4 more times for another golden minion.
D) This little guy seem very very good for now with all the new pirates card!!

Actually, Eudora is female. Just thought I’d point that out :stuck_out_tongue:

so when I used her power is did sweet fa. what am I missing?

blad you specced necro or someting cuz?