I never complained before or anything, love playing wild and been legend several times previous expansions, but things like this shouldn’t exist… infinite hero power with just one card is to much… ?!
I’m talking about highlander priest, shadow anduin + coldarra drake… the one that makes your already 0 cost hero power be used indefinitely…
Personally seeing a 1 in a million game, even if it meant me losing, would just make me smile
True, I know it’s so rare, but a bit frustrating that it happened when it did at rank 1 diamond, I am pushing to legend,was in a bad streak already, and that was the icing on the cake, as I was winning the match too before that happened…
I do not see 1 in a million games… I see the same decks I play with a difference. I don’t get the combo cards in time. That’s all. And I wrote about it again and again. Sure, it takes my mind off from other things - particularly now that the world itself is falling in pieces, but the only things that makes me happy about this game is that I haven’t spent a single penny of it because there is nothing - under the surface - about it that I would endorse. It’s just produced by a bunch of cynical exploiters/abusers and the day that they would kick me out would be my best hearthstone day.
funny, I always thought coldarra drake was a mage class card.
priest does mind theft things, but this only works against mage decks with coldarra drake, which are actually feewer than 1 in a million.
… which leaves discovering the drake as the last remaining option. good luck with that