Current state of the game

The game is no longer fun. No control deck has a chance on the current meta because it’s dead on turn 4. Every game I play is against a Rogue that has 25 mana cards played on turn 3, an aggro mage that takes you down in no time,
I’m not even talking about shockspitter hunter. And even more

I really love that game (playing since releasing) and never had problem with reaching legend ranks but it is impossible now unless you are willing to play brainless aggro and burn decks like rogue, dh, warlock, hunter and I guess all of the classes bcs aggro.

I really think they should consider the current state of the game bcs the games are quicker and quicker (and the only card that kept control decks alive (renethal) was nerfed and why??? I see that everybody play him but you know why? bcs aggros… ) And they nerf him to speed the game even more…

What do you think guys?


As a jailer Paladin i can’t even get to round 10 in some games i once this month or last one got only to round 5 or so.


I think this game has nothing to love anymore. Only last exp. added some excitement (very little)


Holbart, and what is your rank with Jailer Paladin right now, if I may ask. Are you playing meta deck or selfmade? I play Jailer Paladin too but not meta… needed to adjust it a lot.

I can show you if you wana i can screenshot you my deck if i ain’t rushed i can actually have a decent game but if things won’t go better soon i’ll just go blood dk slowly killing my oponent stitches’s so good recently he got sire danatherus in my oponent’s deck so good rng

I remember back when we Paladins had the Lady Liadrin build in Standard that was so much fun.


I agree completly, once again HS is at this stage, where its been constructed around a couple of very strong decks, any deck that is not part of that inner circle is not only not viable for top ranks, its completly unplayable.
The innitial post mentions some of the problem decks, i want to add ramp druid in there as well, there is no way to interact with the deck, it just ramps, ramps, ramps, and then puff unless u killed it in turn 4 or 5 (which only the top tir aggro decks can do, ur 100% dead before turn 7.
But the reason why i poped in here on forums, is aktually to talk about Brann, ive played 5 games today and about 7 games yesterday, and 10 of 12 of those games, Brann poped up and just won the game, didnt matter if i was in a good shape or had the opponent under pressure, just simply 1 turn kills based on Brann. Astalor, shockspitter, and basicly any other card with a battlecry that has some dam tied to it.
For me the soul of HS and any other similar cardgame like Magicthegathering, etc. is that its fun building decks and refining them until u have something that is actually playable, but that whole aspect is currently completly absent from HS cause the high tir decks are so much more powerfull then the rest of the bunch.
To drive my point home, i am not even crying about not gettin into platinum or dimond ranks on standard, let alone legendary (god forbid), but just getting past gold5 seems now to be only possible if u copy/paste on of the toptir decks from on of the many deckbuilding homepages out there.
To the blizz team: dont you think its time, u start looking at the current meta as a whole?
Dont you relize that many ppl play this game to have fun, both while playing but also while building decks ?
Is it realy that important that u keep supporting ur premade decks that much ?
Start accepting that uve made some realy realy bad decissions with some cards, and remove them, especialy when its very obvious which cards are problematic. There is a reason its called shockspitter hunter, its because that deck is carried by a single card, dont try to nerf it, you would have to nerf it to oblivion to make it ballanced, just completly remove it. Its that simple. Same counts for rouge weapon, druid ramp etc.
There like 500 cards in the standard pool of cards that are currently completly irrelevant, but by removing like 10 cards, 90% of those irrelevant cards will get playable again.
And then while you are at it, ply take a good look at cards, that enable players to just sit back and just wait for the right cards, there is nothing fun about playing against a deck, that u can do abseloutly nothing about, because the mechanics of that deck dosent care about anything any other deck does, it just need 3-4 combo cards and its a garanteed win.
Ill stop here, i have a lot more frustration id love to pour out here, and i just deleted like half the post, cause its already long enough as it is.
But serious blizz ( or HS team ), do you realy think this is fun urself ?


Removing cards altogether is even more problematic than nerfing them. One would have to make new cards to replace them, ideally one that would fulfill a similar purpose both in theme and gameplay design. Nerfing those cards meanwhile would leave space for that card’s archetype to hopefully still stay relevant while allowing others to step back into the limelight.

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U can remove them from standard, and have them still be playable in wild. Wild is just a madhouse anyways.
Not saying that there is no truth to ur point, i just think atm standard is so badly balanced, that nerfs to the problematic cards would have to be extremly radical.

That would not solve the issue, removing them from Standard is akin to sweeping the problem under the rug. At least nerfing gives the impression that there are solutions being attempted.

Well i dont realy care about if they make the ‘impression’ to attempt solutions…
The core of the problem is that its not fun to play the game as it is.
We can keep arguing from now to next christmas if nerfs or bans are the way to go.

Is there any doubt that Astalor is the best legendary in the set? He’s in every deck.
Value, value and more value.

But there have always been only a couple of viable deck types purely for ranking with each class in Hearthstone. Since the very beginning.

For instance, Warlock had Handlock and Zoo. Did anyone really play on the ladder with anything else?

I don’t think so. Because everyone competes to win, and so the players choose to play with the most competitive decks.

But you can always build around the meta, think outside the box. If you can make achievement decks that can kill meta decks,then you can do that too.

I came back to play some arenas after several years of not playing hearthstone, and I can say that this game became a huge pile of garbage. Instead of constructing decks with good strategies and good minion trading, it has come down to who draws more retardedly broken cards. Card balancing team needs to get fired and locked up in mental hospital.


Is better to have fast decks than control decks , people said the opposite in previous metas and after the destruction of aggro DH “HS have no aggro or fast decks” .
The problem is not the aggro or control decks , is the way you win or lose ,feels not fun at all .You know a game is bad when you win and you dont feel any satisfaction because alla decks are almost autoplay , you dont really decide anything,you play the obvious, position of minions dont matter any more or matter very little .
I dont think HS have to offer any kind of fun anymore

i was actually thinking of applying for a job on team5 as an arena curator. i have no idea what im doing but i work for cheap, so i guess im the perfect candidate, right?

They just need to ban Malignant Horror.