Day 200 of asking blizz to fix things

dear blizz

really would appreciate it with the next patch you have to take a look at sire D and his stupid amount of damage he allready does when he starts at 5 , infusing 1 is really god damn easy compared to the other infuse cards out there, like maybe bump it up to per 2? or knee cap his starting damage. This card is both oppressive in constructed as wel as arena

that being said i think he’s just the start of neglecting nerfs you guys really need to step up your nerfing game dont be afraid to knee-cap or delete something out of exsistence

look at it this way if you nerf something REALLY nerf something and i dont mean we removed or added 1 mana , like look what you did to snowfall guardian for example THAT is a nerf. This way you create more room for other decks to gain dominance like maybe even SECRET mage what you guys have been pushing without ANY succses

so again please blizzard

put on your runestoned pants and REALLY start nerfing cards

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Keep dreaming, they deliver content equal to theyre qualifications and skill, thats why everything is trash lately

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yeah this mini-set is all style no substance