Deliberately disconnecting question

When playing Battlegrounds Duos on my iPhone 15, if playing or facing beasts with a damage/Trigore comp, I find that the refresh rate is too slow, so if I sit there watching the animations, I can be down to 2 seconds or less for my next turn. In an effort to deal with this, I tried disconnecting at the start of combat and then reconnecting immediately. It worked brilliantly for a few turns as I was straight back into the buy phase, but then the next time I did it, it didn’t reconnect me and I had deranked. Is this working as intended? If so, there doesn’t seem to be a viable way to play this comp on iPhone 15. Shame if so, as this would have been an easy solution, even though not ideal, but better than not having a turn due to animations taking too long.

i do it all the time, are you sure you didnt lose points cause you got 3-4. if not(you got 2) then it should not be like that. It never was like that. Since 2019 it was always possible to reconnect and have more time to show, especially then it way more common to do due to metas at the time.

Ah yes; our coming 3rd would explain it, as we were at 15hp. Thanks.

This is a game exploit that should be looked at.

I understand why players do it, but it is a symptom of a larger issue.

Blizzard must sort this out. Almost every game I play I freeze and only reconnect after the Battle. If you hit zero life then you don’t reconnect.

I want to see the combat so that I can detect weaknesses and learn about my opponents.