That’s not even near true. Demon hunter is op as sh@t…Stupid low cost cards using outcast mechanic…Stupid OP aggro…It reminds me of face hunter when it would win in round 4…only this time, if he doesn’t win by round 4 , he skulls of guldan and win in round 7-8…
The outcast Mechanic there are 12 cards which heal or draw and the legendary card which uses the left to right mechanic in your hand. The law of averages say the mechanic outcast is not met 100% of the time. The deck does take some skill to pilot to activate the outcast effect , just saying its OP is silly and like everyone typing its OP nerf the class.
Just think before play the class and counter decks to it , 200 games say and then give fed back on how you think its OP.
I can only give fed back on what I see and play , warlock btw wrecks DH play more slowly , watch a few streamers against DH may help.
Your doing well keep up the language the filter picks up and ban so please be careful. If you do not like with reason do not type , just chill its a game at the end of the day , if may reasoning and stats up set you my advice move on to something else.
Learn english before asking for a ban.
I sometimes wonder why people bother to respond to a reply when its plainly a troll reply lol.
I didn’t want at first, but I had no choice, you were just too much…This is why I replied to your troll post…“Watch streamers…” ahahahaha…Your advice is to watch another person playing instead of actually playing…against that cancerous class
i hate this. it makes me want to quit the game. why am i being bracketed with DH with those powerful cards? how TF am i gonna win with those combos? really disappointing development.
I hate this class its unbalanced
“hey im gonna try this deck out”
->haha dead turn 5 unlucky i guess haha
lets give it another try
->damn man, this DH drew half his deck by turn 5, i suppose i played badly
i guess i can try once again
-> wow i just played mi first card and DH already has two 4/2, two 1/1, two 2/2 and im at 17 hp, my bad for being bad at the game
let’s try again i have faith in my deck
-> oh look, the 5th consecutive DH i meet in ladder (what a surprise) counters everything i have by forfeiting absolutely nothing from his part while also dealing 15 damage to my face by turn 6, damn dude absolutely fair and funny, specially when it happens for the 10th time in the evening.
Yeah, it’s not balanced, even after the nerfs, it’s frustrating. As i said, he controls the board, deals damage to your face, draws cards and generates value at such low cost that it’s not even slightly fun to play against. And no, i dont want to craft and play a priest deck just because a class is unbalanced. I want to try decks, play fun ones and the ones i like.
“Just play AOE and healing lol”
Yeah let me just play 8 AOE cards and 5 healing cards that do absolutely nothing agains other decks, wich i have to pray to draw before turn 4 or else i’m dead. What are these arguments you’re giving? You heard a streamer say so and you repeat it without thought? Try going ladder for 2 hours playing non-priest (and obviously not DH) and tell me how it goes.
sorry DH is not that OP any more play 20 times with a DH and you should find the win ratio has fallen a lot. The data across the board states that most people know how to play against DH now these day if your not one of them well enough said
I know a easy fix.
Quith all Deamon Hunter games.
I just give up if I face a demon hunter, they are just so OP its crazy. Let the palyers who enjoy crap like that play against them selves.
Demon Hunter OP do not make me laugh. Design decks which have a high win rate vs them and play those decks. Warrior Rush, Dragon Hunter, Rez Priest, Zoolock Galakrond Warlock, Rogue Galakrond, Big Druid, Spell Druid , token Druid, Control Shaman, Spell Mage, Control Libram Paladin. These are just a few decks to play.
Especially; Kayn Sunfury: All friendly…bla bla bla.
How bullsh…t this is !!!
You waste all our efforts and time, dear game design team !!!
That’s enough!
We’ve got tired of all this nonsense for two years now !!
So you’re saying that to climb ladder I have to build a deck to specifically beat DH, and that doesn’t suggest that the class might be a little unbalanced
class is definitly unbalanced along side face hunters and token druids actualy whole expansion is unbalanced and last set of “nerfs” r basiclym buffs
No the list given of those classes beat Demon Hunter and others classes. They beat Demon Hunter easily. Try Rush Gal warrior thats quick and easy to play also Dragon Hunter.
The class just came out and it’s the first new class to EVER enter Hearthstone, of course it has insanely high play rates. I think jumping to more nerfs after it’s already been receiving nerfs is idiotic and is exactly how to ruin the class. Not to mention DH has far less class cards available to them making it very touchy and delicate with nerfs. Futhermore, DH lacks any single target removal, they essentially have to bypass the taunt with Kayne or smash everything with their face it’s only oppressive when it highrolls Priestess on 5, but that’s any aggro/tempo deck off a highroll isn’t it? Vancleef Anyone? People are essentially complaining because it’s overplayed right now, and as I said it just came out so of course it is.
When the winrate of demon hunter is 65% but all the decks you name are drastically above that percentage… plz dont make things up
Im not calling for more nerfs, if anything I see adding demon hunter into the game as a good thing, it changes the meta, forces changes in design, my problem lies with the mechanics in how it does that. Everything in the class synergises with itself and also does a bit of everything, it draws like crazy, has good board clears and while you stated it doesn’t have great single target removal and I agree but that is offset by the plethora of weapons and attack buffs. It has aggro, control and midrange in one package