What is up with all low mana and you can kill ALL once you have played cards. Unbalanced!!!
I totally agree with you. Simply too OP, cards are cheap and does unbalancedly high amount of damage. Ruins the game for me. Hope they’ll do something about it.
FIX Demon Hunter asap, it is powerful. There is no you can do due to too many low mana. DH can clear your board each time you played. Also I played with FULL cards on the board. All my cards gone every time. It is impossible and hopeless! It is the same thing over and over!!!
What type of deck are you playing to combat DH play a counter deck there are plenty out there.
I didnt play DH, played against DH.
Just nerf the class ASAP. ladder isnt a problem but arena is nuts atm. DH is uncontested seiriously unplayable vs him. Most decks i make that end up doing well win vs every class until i match up against him. Arena is simply not fun anymore
Just use Quest priest and resurect
And that helps how, when the demon Hunter can win by turn 5 (well maybe 6 if the priest heals themselves a few times) with an aggro deck? You wont even get to play one reborn defender or infiltrator before you are dead LOL
Playing ress priest vs Demon Hunter.
Mulligan for breath of infinite, holy nova, convincing infiltrator so you can have early removals.
Ress priest uses alot of taunt minions, if you are lucky to get an okish hand, you have good chances vs demon hunters. Try it
It will clear your board every turn so it doesnt matter.
You r not dead at turn 5 wtf? Have u ever played Day of the Dead priest deck??? Do u know what u r talking about or u r just another troll?
If you think I am trolling? I suggest you to go and sleep!
So powerfull. I dont enjoy anymore playing this game.
I quit the game to the moment dh is disabled on arena mode or until is fixed !!!
DH Completely killed game - mostly I am arena player but 75% games vs dh with decent deck is lost simply can’t outplayed it - I just wasted 3.98£ today for nothing
Please Blizzard take it seriously and fix ASAP - thanks god didn’t pre ordered that expansion would be biggest waste of money
Arena is unplayable at the moment
Just think,
Game team creates a character,when it turns out, the majority hates it.
Great success.
Need to celebrate.
PS: Kayn Sunfury, ignore taunt. DH already op + ignore taunt, great intelligence
You are very good at making people angry.
Kayn Sunfury is annoying and cost me a game recently. Demon Hunter already has an arsenal of strong cards.
Kayn Sunfury is a charge 3/5 minion legendary with minions ignore Taunts and your point is. Its a legendary card and its action if removed or adjusted would lead the DH becoming unplayable because plenty of Classes play taunts and a stone wall meta would happen. The demon Hunter class has weapons hits minions , healing and draw. Its a fast and furious and Kayn Sunfury if not around 60% of the games would be a lose for the Demon Hunter and so making that class near the top to the bottom win rate wise worse than shaman would is not played much. Consider that Team 5 launch a new class and its in the bin becuase people complain its Overpowered.
I played last days from Bronze Rank 10 to Diamond 5 with the Demon Hunter the stats as follows as I faced them 84 games.The deck I played needs a bit of thought for example against Priest minions which are 4/4 are immune to removal and set up next turns plays and so on.
Demon Hunter 14%, Druid 9%, Hunter 7%, Mage 8%, Paladin 4%, Priest 24%, Rogue 8%, Shaman 1%, Warrior 4% and Warlock 21%. If the card mentioned was removed you think Demon Hunter would be any good. Suggestion play Tempo Demon Hunter without the card and see how your Win Ratio is.
its stupid! I mean DH is winning even gala lock and res priest! if it doesnt get nurfed Imma quit because the game is not fun at all… and we thought jade druid or odd rogue were bad… this is the last push for me! I,ve never posted in forums before but DH made me to cry out for help
What deck you playing warlock wins about 80% , rez priest 75% , druid 70% , paladin libram wins 60% against DH its 50% , different warriors deck have 50% and other classes 45%. The demon hunter does not have a deck which beats everything certain classes counter play it , there are plenty of decks out there play them to counter it.
Also its only been 10 days or so new expansion and class and your complaining about it. There no pleasing some people no matter what. Take a break , read a book play wow , starcraft or another game. I have done a few posts about how OP DH would be even before it came out , so its a new class and with anything new it takes time. About 80% of people wanted a new class they got it their happy but you get a small minority always complaining its human nature.