Destroy Joymancer Jippeto doesn't work

Read title- Destroyed and enemy using a bladestorm but the quest didn’t count.

Destroyed him in another way, same results. The quest is clearly bugged.

edit: update: destroyed him several times in several ways, still no progress on the quest, i guess i have to craft the damned card

He exists in Shaman Brawl deck right now, so you can play him there without crafting, it works, but destroying is not.

I have read a solution on the US forum which has worked for me, use him in brawl mode and that will count. Paladin has him in this week’s brawl deck for example.

Yes, and so does Shaman.It worked for me with Shaman. I have played it though. Destroying seems more specific and harder

Joymancer Jepetto is no longer in either the Shaman or Paladin Brawl decks - tried with 2 accounts against a friend until we fatigued our decks - nothing. We tried both using paladins, both using shamans, pala v shaman and pala/sham v random class and no Japetto. We also separately tried pala & shaman against random other players - no Japetto either. I’m guessing they removed him from the brawl deck & want more people to buy the Tavern pass to get him or large numbers of packs . I won’t be.

Same issue here.

Best solution I have found, play excavate warrior with the 2 x 2 drop return minion to hand or Containment mech that deathrattles an 8 drop, hope to Christ you generate him and pop him back to hand to cast the following turn.

Yes, this brawl has ended… it won’t work anymore… 1 week passed and new brawl comes on every Wednesday.