Duels Runs Coming to an End

Well this was a surprise to me…

In all the years and thousands of € I spent on Hearthstone I never liked Arena, Mercenaries was a stupid chore that wore its time out quickly, and Ranked Trad. has the same issue all competitive CCG have (ie some broken net-decks make the experience stale). Battlegrounds is kinda nice though gives little Gold.

Casual Duels was literally the mode I enjoyed the most, also because it not only allowed for trying out whacky and janky cards but also allowed for advancing on achievements, something Ranked Trad barely allows for and has little point to (you get much more Gold just Net-decking wins).

I realize there might be some ‘balancing’ issues with Duels but you could also just remove the Heroic version of it.

As for not enough money being spent on it: the reason I have spent less on HS of late is, besides the New Normal and war-piggery of ‘my’ government leading to less resources is that where in the past you had decent 20€ or less offerings now its all highly expensive Signature Bundles etc. which I am less able to justify to myself (it’s all a bunch of pixels at the end).

All in all, very disappointed and will in likelyhood spend (even) less on the game as net-decking isn’t something I enjoy, Mercenaries and Arena a very much dislike, and Battlegrounds has ver little reason to spent much money on to begin with (I don’t give a toss abt. Rating so with lousy Herooptions I just start a new game).

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Good call only for u lol

NO SENSE DECISION. DUELS mode has been the funniest game ever.
:frowning: :sob: :broken_heart:


the only reason i was buying packs is for Duels Mode but not anymore now, thank you for saving my money

They’ll probably be adding Duels content to Twist somehow. I don’t think it’s possible that Blizzard will cut so much stuff out of the game. Twist returns in June. We’ll see what it contains.

It’s one thing to stop support for a mode like Mercenaries which remains fully playable.

It’s quite another to scrap so much existing content. So, no, I don’t think Duels will be officially gone. It’ll just get repackaged under a different heading.

I doubt it’ll make any difference, but I also want to express my disappointment at the discontinuation of the only mode that kept me coming back time and time again. Would it really have been so hard to keep it going? My playtime is going to massively decrease without Duels, so well done Blizzard. Also nice to see no reaction whatsoever from any Blizzard official…

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Duels and Battleground were my go to modes and in one update one is gone and the other is now co-op only. I think I am done with hearthstone.

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You can play standard Battlegrounds like always.