Duos intentionaly losing from "partner" selling all minions

So at times you come across some people whom intentionaly sells off ALL their minions when it’s late middle or late game. Leaving you with the only one whom have minions. Can there be something like only the partner with no minions losing rating to this as it’s frustrating to have gone trough a long play to just lose to the “partner” intentionaly making us lose…

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Not only that, the softer version of this inapproprite behaviour is that they don’t spend gold/contribute, just go AFK. The more soficsticated version is to spend their gold and keep a single minion to mislead the engine. Honestly this is the fault of the developers, because it is easy to implement a pattern recognition of sabotating/penalizing the other player but the developers don’t give a ****. Also, it would help if you could evaluate your team member after the match ended like co-operation, strategy, selfishness, etc., so ultimately players with bad feedback should be locked out of duos.

That sounds incredibly simple to abuse, I wouldn’t attach that kind of penalty to it. Maybe make a “low priority” queue where all those who have been flagged as bad teammates have eachother only to queue with for duos.