Few question to Developer Team

I have a question for the developer’s team at hearthstone
Can’t you really learn anything from the mistakes you make spending each expansion?
At the World Cup you had the effects of it … 2 classes and two decks … the rest was irrelevant.
Humans are really smart, and in one-two day they are able to come up with the best deck combinations after the launch of each new expansion.
I’m not a master, but I’ve been playing Legend for about a year and a half so I really know what I’m writing about.
For 100 Legend games, I played 37% against Rogue and 22% against Druid.
That is almost 60% !!! games against just two classes.
People play with what wins - it’s understandable, but it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the game is BALANCED and that NO some decks are MUCH better than others.
The game really does get just monotonous and boring. 6 out of 10 games against just two classes.
Your reactions to balance the game are ALWAYS VERY LATE and ALWAYS unbalanced.
Just like with Warlock. A 3-fold nerf caused almost everyone to stop playing in this class because it was simply impossible to win. As before, there were 2 winn conditions … giants + windfury and making a quest, there were one win condition giants after your corrections … because the quest was no longer giving get done. Dead warlock can’t do quest … :sunglasses:
In the country where I come from, such a situation is summed up with the proverb - throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
And you ALWAYS do it. It took you 3 months to see that the rogue and demon-hunter should be surfaced.
Thanks to this, I watched the MOST BORING World Cup in history. 2 decks And this is a ridiculous excitement of the reporters because someone draw a card that gives winn condition … Is it luck or skills that determine the results?
After all, the Poison Rogue is a copy of the previous rogue, can’t you see it? Instead of a combination game, a fight for control of the table, we exchange cards 15 times and the end of the game from hand + selected spells.
Similarly, Mozaki Mag … completely pointless playing.
I don’t take anything away from people who play with these decks because they want to win, but how can you allow this to happen?
Druid … 20 mana…mm I understand that the druid was too weak with 10 mana and the ability to have 10 mana when the opponent had 5?
Warrior is completely dead now.
Hunter only survivors play aggro deck and the beast hunter is dead as well as demon-hunter.
Priest? the best decks reach 55-56% platinum, not to mention legends.
Combination play style this game is now possible thanks to 3 classes of warlock, freezing shaman and paladin, but all these classes lose to the above mentioned.
And the Next problem
after playing 120 Legendary games I still have 59% winn condition and THE SAME ranking I had when I got a legend !!
This is another paradox. Just when I don’t play, I lose more rank points than I get by playing a VERY MUCH at 60%.
For winning the game 130 ranking points + for losing 140 minus … + several hundred points for minus because I don’t play 24/24 …
how to get promoted in such conditions?
After all, I play at a VERY HIGH level - a 60% winn rate.
On the legendary level, is it probably quite a lot?
Or maybe the top 100 legends are simply reserved?
I’ve been playing this game for quite a few years and unfortunately every year with the addition it’s just getting boring, the game is getting worse and worse, the fixes are getting worse and much too late. The system of adding and subtracting points in the legendary ranking is at least unclear to don’t say nonsensical.
Unfortunately, I don’t know if you are aware that the success of the game is not in the number of hero skins. Stop pulling money for senseless things and get a SENSIBLE balance of the game.
as for me, this is the last expansion I play. I just don’t see any sense, I won’t rank if I play very well - because I don’t sit like some streamers after 12/24 even though I play at 60%. The game becomes boring and one-sided.
And make your decisions FASTER. It a massacre for me to wait several months sometimes to make some better balance patch. (btw anyone is testing this game before the new expansion is launched? for me look’s no one…
This is where I finish this lengthy post and I apologize for the mistakes but the English language is not my native language, I only hope that I wrote it in a reasonably understandable way anyway.


I read it all and 100% agree.

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screen from my last play… 53% games vs rogues now , “ONLY” 18% druid

A sensible person might suggest that…if you already know what EVERYONE is playing, find a way to counter it and then you will win almost every game…but that’s just my opinion I guess.

I constructed a Reflect-o build with Eggs and various other minions for the achievement and got Mill Rogue to one health, with an empty deck for both of us.

So, if you play something unexpected, you’re bound to bamboozle and throw off even the most cunning opponent.

Of course, when you play with a Meta deck against another meta deck, it’s down to who counters who and who plays better, in general.

We need new Hearthstone Team, it is all I can say!

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Bud, You can make tons of experiments but ladder decks are leader decks… You can have fun winning with something unexpected but You will always have a below 50% win rate…
If I will have tons of fun going to play some wild deck… it’s tons of really fun deck’s to play FOR FUN… But we are talking here about the LADDER deck.
And Blizzard responsibility is to make them balanced…and they are not that’s all

All decks have a winrate of 50 % . All of them, with no exceptions. Meta or not.
What do you think 50 % winrate means?
It means that on average you only win 50% of games.
That’s how it’s meant to be.
If you had 80% winrate, then you’d be breezing through the ranks, consistently winning more games that you’ve lost.
But that’s just not possible.
50% average winrate is the very definition of balance.

A deck that wins 80 % of the time would not be allowed in Hearthstone. In fact, it’s mathematically impossible for such a deck to exist.

Why is it mathematically impossible for a deck like that to exist? From what I remember, Odd Rogue was very op in the wild meta during witchwood or one of the later expansions. I looked it up and there were several people that claimed to have over 80% win rate with it.

Nah, man. I don’t believe it.
It’s just streamers trying to oversell the deck to earn clicks.

You lose about the same number of games that you win. That’s why getting from Diamond 5 to Legend is a test of perseverance.

Alright. If we are talking about WR now, the most played warrior deck for wild has around 73% win rate on HSReplay (in gold only because no premium). Not exactly 80%, but close enough. Obviously HS replay only records the games where one of the players used the app and since it’s only gold, the players there are worse, but that is not even the worst wild meta there has been in hearthstone. Odd Rogue was arguably more broken.

Today lost to triple Y’shari in THE SAME game… sorry for that but for me blizz developers are just f…id… and I don’t care about ban or anything like that …just will stop playing this

Excellent comment Jarcik.
especially ‘’ btw anyone is testing this game before the new expansion is launched? ‘’

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today after “NERF” Only triple Yog vs druid… what the game to win ladder game… what the ability to play…
Really blizzard just shame…

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my only hope Microsoft

and of course, after rogue nerf is back rogue with octobot…now stronger because of trading cards…
they are REALLY F>.BLIND and brainless
REALLY REALLY have enough of this company and this game…only a shame I lost so much time and some money…stupid I
Time to say goodbye to them
NO more tolerance for ignoring players and stupidity.
so druid is still the same strong, rogue stronger after nerf…
Really they don’t care about anything and only f…more…in developer team.
Bye Blizzard, this post can be deleted…
Shame, when I’m reading my post on the top of this discussion all is STILL true,
no chance for any change. And me idiot had a hope…