Frost Lich Jaina

so heres something i just found out im playing wild i have 1 hp and my jaina is already up the enemy is a druid with the litch king and other taunts up my board only has ANOMALUS so i decide to yolo and use conjurers calling to try and get a rag the light lord but what i didnt realise is the 8 dmg the card does when destroyed is also lifesteal is this right ? as i went streight up to 28hp lol

It’s an Elemental so all damage they do will also be converted to health for your hero since Frost Lich Jaina gives every friendly Elemental Life Steal, yes. That’s how it works.


Because every elemental gets given a lifesteal aura, all AoE effects will work like that. Baron Geddon is the usual go to, but if you can nuke your own Anomalus, it’s gona work out pretty well :grin:

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Buy more card packs.

Especially Journey to Un’Goro. Some great elementals in there.

What after you conjure your owb anomalus.Is deathrattle will trigger before it summons 2 8 mana minions or after>?

I was hopping this would be a complaint about hero cards…

Rare Rogue Minion
1-mana 1/1 Mech
Battlecry: Gain +2/+2 for each Sheercold you’ve played this game.



Ah well, humour is subjective. :relieved:

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Now I just wanna see cards based on us forum regulars.

Maybe I’ll do a thread…

Would we all just be legendaries? Heck, make a whole expansion based on the forums and have stuff like “Erekems” be a common card or something.
The sheer imaginative energy is sending me into a mental spin! :clown_face:

no. cards based on Vlad and Mandatar would be. there are some pretty epic personalities in here as well and some others are kinda rare.

but that’s all just the opinion of a golden common of course :smiley:

Hex is a basic card.

I am not hex. I am the frog that you get hexed into.

“Khisana, the Frog”
Legendary Beast Minion
(?) mana 0/1, Taunt
Deathrattle: Summon a random Prince

Some Available Princes:

  • Trade Prince Gallywix
  • Prince Malchezar
  • Prince Keleseth
  • Prince Taldaram
  • Prince Valanar
  • Prince Liam
  • Cloud Prince
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