Full rope turn .__________

Hey Blizzard how its possible there are still no atleast warns for playing like this? Since weeks i didnt played with normal person that throwing cards normally like a human, everybody keeps me waiting full turn TO THROW JUST ONE CARD before the rope ends, what is wrong with you people… i cant even remember when i played normal match in weeks, now every match is minimum 20min because every player holding me full turn to throw or just one card or just click end of turn with doing only hero power at the end, this is really sad, this behave making this game so unfun, how can u people not be bored of behave like this… it should be punishable… u dont know the person that u playing with and u are so malicious to him, u wont get any reward for behave like this, u will just stay forever alone as a single in house of ur parents, with ur only lover computer, take care


I usually rope in games where it looks like i’ll lose. if the enemy player quitz that is sik and I win. blud.

This is a completely unresolved issue. Unfortunately.
They write nonsense suggestions and advice, even though I have written many times. (fans and knights of blizzard)

[Graverun] best to deal with that is , do it too and make sure they see you’re doing so. Sometimes they’ll get sick it of it themselves and the game carries on as it should, other times it wont bother them so just sit it out. Never quit… that will only be giving them what they want

Those players are the actual worse. Not the full ropers that take their turn (although that’s bad enough) but the ones who intentionally rope until they think they’re winning and then magically speed up. They’re just pathetic.

I’m glad the report button seems to have go rid of the hero power rope bots (from my perspective) but they’re isn’t much that can be done about people legitimately using the whole time, even when it’s clearly unneeded. When winning comes at the cost of sucking the fun out of the game for everyone, then what’s the point?

its just mean u got no life, the boobs u just saw are from google graphics, behave in game like this means u are in home 24/7 and mother is shopping to make u some food… sleeping, eating, playing pc, rich life, if ur mother will be gone u gonna die from no eating

I watch some streamers who explain their options to watchers like RegisKillbin or LtEddy and debate which one would be better before finally committing to it as the turn comes to an end, I like to think that a lot of the ropers are actually just weighing their options. Of course these streamers don’t always take that entire turn thinking about their next move but it happens enough that I don’t think about it too much.

Have you tried playing friendly games? I think it’s the superior way to play Hearthstone. You can even share decks! Your friends surely won’t rope you. And if they do you just have to keep searching for actual friends. I can really recommend it. It might be a slow and rough start but I’m having much more fun since I try to focus mainly on that.

you can just concede. you gain literally nothing by roping then just delaying the invetiable ? right who do you have with this tactic the player thats winning or you thats actually suffering?

think he is hoping that the ‘winning’ party will get impatient and concede themselves… which is quite dumb because why concede when you’re winning? but hey… each to their own. For now i only play battlegrounds. Too many kids and trolls in the standard or wild version.


‘’ Too many kids and trolls in the standard or wild version ‘’
Very good and excellent comment Léon, after a lot of ridiculous card designs and op decks, unfortunately this is how the game has come to be.
The game is in very bad condition, wild or standart same.

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Agree, except for battlegrounds… eventhough they can be very annoying aswell, but you cant be trolled… except for Bob… he can be the biggest troll ever when he decides he’s not going to give you any minion you like until you stop looking for it , then he’ll give them to you :joy:

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very true :joy: :joy:

Body is too short (minimum is 20 characters)

exaclty my point your not gonna give up because you are winning

Keep calm and wait till the rope disappear. Then continue with your turn. Whats bad about it ? Or have some rest from the game and do some IRL stuff because you are not having fun anymore from a game which is supposed to be entertaining.

To be fair I faced my first one of these since the report button was added the other day and I was playing my Jailor ignite deck to get the objection achievement done. The game took 30+ minutes. Yes I had another window open and was watching something else but it did completely suck the fun out of the game (plus obviously no achievement progression). I was on a win streak, plus I don’t like to give bots the free win so I wasn’t gona concede. They really do suck to come up against if your playing a late game control deck.

The logical solution would obviously be to make turns last depending on activity.

e.g.: if you do nothing, your turn is over after 30 seconds.
every effective click gives you 1 second extra:
attacking = 2 clicks = +2 seconds (choosing attacker, choosing target)
targeted spell/hero power = 2 clicks = +2 seconds (choosing spell in hand/hero power, choosing target)
non-targeted spell/hero power = 1 click = +1 second.

30 seconds after the turn starts, even if you have been active in the meantime and built up many extra seconds, 10 seconds of inactivity ends the turn.

iirc, the problem that animations took so much time that players could not finish all actions they wanted even if they played at high pace was during the patron warrior era.
During that time i believed that Blizzard wanted to protect players from having to watch th opponent playing 3 minute turns (that would be possible in a deck that gives you a lot of ways to draw and play cards and attack if the rule described above would be implemented).

I also understand that newer players need more time to get to know the cards and ways to play, but this could be resolved by giving players at bronze and silver level more time to think and ponder.

People who play Zerg, Face Druid deserve to be roped. Since Blizzard won’t do anything about i purposely do it till the very last second EVERY turn cause, you gonna play scummy then have fun playing a 30minute game.