Future of Hearthstone

Hi, Blizzard

    Release new game mode, or Hearthstone 2, or Remastered Hearthstone Reforged or something!!! I set aside the interests of casual players, becouse iam one of them, and without such player it is impossible to play Heartstone - this is basic core. You must fight to attract a new audience, but you create too hard gameplay, that ruine all impresion! How i can explaine for new player where is fun, if nobody cant win in ladder?! Now you just cant win with decks scheme at all, becouse of imba cards and you cant win even with tier 2 decks, becouse of super OP decks in Tier S! Game must stay allways simple and never had brainstorm headacke! It is does not matter, that you make tournament TOP 10 decks in Tier 1 - dont do this!!! 99,99% players want 50 simple decks in Tier 1!!!
    (Make fun decks, but not PRO, like: C’htun of Yogg, Midrange Shaman, Evo Shaman, Midrange Hunter, Buff Hunter, Demon Warlock, Quest Rogue, Thief Rogue, Spitefull Druid, Beast Druid, Dragon Paladin, Murlock Paladin, Combo Priest, Pirate Warrior, etc).

  2. PRO
    For old regular player you can finally divide Wild mode into old meta years and make old meta tournaments - this what pro players in high legend rank want. Just make there Third Format! Pro players will go there and make Standart Format easyer for Casuals! You can seperate each rank in Wild mode by yhears witch require old meta decks. You can make new Ladder with limited time for old expansions set, where players can reach 0 legend rank only in limit period (for extra reward: gold cards, dust, quest 80g, heroes). There are also a lot of option how to separete ladder or make “Old meta mode”. You told about this a long time ago, but still not realease! PRO players want same OP Control decks, that killing a game - this is HUGE negative!

    Stop to develop tornament format - you must make gameplay is affordable and interesting for Casuals. Hearthstone must be so popular, that everybody in every street will know it. Game rules must be simple for talk about them in evety courtyard or neighborhood. There is no sense in tournaments - forget about this format forever! Champions can play absolutely any decks - no need to make special OP decks for 1%-5% PRO! Heartstone must be available, like football! You must develop net competitions in local internet provider cup, like fireside gathering. Local competition will make people famous and they glorify your game. To become most popular you must promote casual players and make them famous, but not cybersport.

    Players like to play easy and make they own variations of builds, but now game lose this opportunity. This is really good impressions, that you can make some tiny difference and feel you as a genius. If you can win by own deck with your adjustments againt same difference deck of another player - you feel special impressions. Hearthstone lose this effect, so you must return this feeling. Analysts ruine all game by their snapshot breackdown, that kill 90% of all theorycraft decks. Game must not containe only same 10 decks - there is must be NOT LESS than 50 theorycraft archetypes FOREVER! Iam often just don’t want to play because of difficulty - in this case i want a lack for 20 gold and go offline. Make system that gift 20 gold / 20 dust!

    In old times you have some card variation and close one beings in strength and manacost. Many similar cards were performing one role in a simple deck, but have tiny difference, so people chose them for unique gameplay - make it possible again. When people was not know analitycs they play versus same knowlage opponent with normal deck. Everybody were play differen minions, but now game feel ordinary. Today everyones know best deck, so there is no sense to study meta. Game lose feeling when you win not becouse of you skill, but becouse of your stuy of meta and memory - this simple rule is everything for players! This simple make game interesting, but analitics and championats ruine all fun! You can get around analysts by issuing such specific cards, that cannot be appreciated. Relese cards, that cant be readable for analitics. Hard game is not interesting! Say goodby to OP Control decks - they all must be nerf to equivalent balance 50%-50%, becouse now they have 200%-500% power. Game must reward players who play synergy and punish players who try to play passively. Game must ALLWAYS remain spectular and never came to deadly boring passive gameplay.

    Everyone want to play steady Ready super synegry schemes, as Wizzlebag or Zayle type - make this game mode. Make some magic and releave an interesting innovations, where all decks will be fair and will be no infinite power Control decks at all. In old times was the bestm when players dont use similar imba schemes! People cant play againt OwerPower Control decks - why you doing this? Casuals want synergy and easy gameplay, by playing cards with minions! Players want to win easy if they clearly follow the game plan and reach tier 1. Hearthstone should NEVER use unfair infinite OP Control decks, becouse this is braking synergy gameplay plan. You got just one card that win match, if i was wining in all previous situations - that must NEVER happend and i must ALLWAYS win by tempo rule! NO Tempo breaker - this is unfair!

    Spellbook get a very lot of weak cards and OP IMBA cards. I cant understand how i should play, if i cant chose all Murllocks and win by any deck?! Before was much more better: you gathered all of minions and win against any decks - make this! This how Hearthstone should be, but not like now, where is conditions only for “Book worms”! Just make simple deck building and fair cards power! Control decks must take limits and forfeit - make 3 overload crystal for EVERY clear spell, or something like that. Game has a strong problem of congestion with cards now. Main meta process must be not learning of all combo against all top deck, but search of your own variation of deck, witch will give a unique power for different schemes of same deck.

    My favorite was meta in Kharazhan, when was a lot of Midrange decks. ONLY Midrange decks should be in a basics of Hearthstone - ONLY this is “right way”. All Midrange decks were perfect balanced, like Quest Rogue, Miracle Rogue, Thief Rogue, Spitfull Druid, Midrange Shaman, Midrange Hunter - but you nerf these decks allways instead of nerf Control decks!!! Midrange decks must stay allways in game and everybody know that they are fair and perfect balanced. Also in game allways stay “not realized” archetypes. You can buff unplayable card and release extra more cards for synergy, that makes meta much more different. I want ONLY this decks:
    (Make ONLY decks, that have fun and interesting possibilityes: Dragon paladin, Tempo Warrior, Worgen Warrior, Stealth rogue, Mech shaman, Miech Mage, Tempo Mage, Midrange Shaman, Evolve shaman, Buff Hunter, Midrange Hunter, Face Hunter, Yog Hunter, Miracle Rogue, Beast Druid, Spitefull Druid, Mech Druid… MEta should allways have Midrange deck for every class. Release Midrange Mage, Midrange Warlock, Midrange Priest, Midrange Warrior, etc.).

    Many old expansion Hearthstone must allways have for Standart. In Kharazhan and Older Gods are many of nesessary cards, that must be forever in Standard, becouse they form basic archetype. If these expansions was the best, so why you throw them in Wild? Before in game were nice balance for simple deck, that have 50%-50% weaknesses and strengths - this is how Hearthsrone must looks! From Gadgetzan game is filled with many superstrong cards and no limit Control decks 200% -500% power! DELETE THEM! In result you just collect same OwerPowered cards in every deck and noboy whats to play this, becosue match up with normal deck against OP deck just lose all chances to win. Some of needed main cards were in Black Mountain - so just reissue most popular card back in Standart - return best archetypes!

    You allways must make Hearthstone different and interest! Just make them playable, fun, quick, easy… etc. Delete all Control decks from the game Forever. All Control decks should have Limit power and based only on a simple minion mechanic, like Brann Hunter - this is the best looks of Control decks forever. All control decks should not have OP spells, thake BRAKING the game. Now when you go up to rank 3-2, there is IMBA decks flooded the entire rating and doesn’t allow you to go further. In Standard there is a Spell Mage and Control Warrior and in Wild a Secret mage. You must have chance to reach 0 rank by any deck without problems. It should be enoght to rely only a little on your memory for easy Legend. Game force you to learn same top decks - dont do this! Remake game to create an infinite variety of decks, where any player can win with any deck, depending on attentiveness to the volatile factor in the match (where is no imba card effect at all). Victory in 0 Rank should be achieved easily, without mind-blowing and infinitely tedious calculation of over IMBA cards. Make srteps to casual players and make global game Rework!

more ideas was here:

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…the perfect meta was Karazhan? Are you joking? There was 1 T1 deck and it remained at number 1 untouched from the end of Karazhan until the launch of MSoG. The deck was mid-range Shaman.


At least DR Hunter and Druidstone got nerfed in between expansions, we had to wait until 3 months into the next expansion, when the deck had been made even stronger via the pirate package for it to finally get nerfed down to a T2 deck.


You absolutles right and thats true, but i mean that Hearthstone should be based on Midrange decks! Midrange shaman and Midrange hunter are knowinga as most good balanced decks! Also thief Rogue was some kind of modrange, or Dragon Paladin, or Beast Druid. Thats what be the best - midrange gameplay with 50%-50% power! All Class should allways have good Midrange deck and new shcemes must be invent in game as Midrange Made, Midrange Warlock, Midrange Priest, Midrange Warrior etc.

I think the cleanest meta was Un’Goro. I mean Jade Druid was there, But never that big of a deal.

Yes Ungoro was nice, but its a pity that Chtun deck thtow out to wild at this time

Un’Goro was definitely the most varied when it came to a blur or revolving T1-T2 decks.

Wanting a midrange dominant meta is fine, it’ll be interesting to see if that’s where we head with the current set of nerfs, but siteing a 1 deck meta as the perfect meta just hurts your argument.

For me the Old Gods meta was the best. Not certain if that’s just because the relief that the standard-wild split was actually so good for the game, as opposed to destroying it or if it was actually that good. Rose tinted specs and all that.

I don’t get it, how do people not understand that EVERY card game has a competitive side and EVERY card game has tier 1 decks? It’s not hard people, games move past their “glory days” because it needs to keep progressing and making money to stay alive. So what if one meta was godly and the next was trash, there’s gonna be another amazing one later just get over it

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I understand this. Yes. dominance of one archetypes is inferior to others. I agree, but I mean that these archetypes only are few same Control and they are all similar for yhers. It should not be! Do you remember how long the best Midrange decks lasted? How long were Thief Rogue, Quest Rogue, Spitefull Druid? This is how Hearthstone should looks like. It will be fine, If control deck take place in Tier 2. All control decks are interferes ro Casual player, so
therefore, they should not be in basic game balance.

You are wrong. This is not control meta. We have 5 classes that are within 1% difference of winrate and all types are present. So check your data again.

Currently the meta is more then fine, you can find all kind of decks from all classes that can win.

came on, in meta only Control Warrior and Control Mage. Some of players play combo priest (something like Midrange), quest pal (Control), mech hunter (Aggro). Where is Medrange deck or Tempo decks?

They are absolutly viable

Murloc pala
Tempo Warrior (no idea why noone plays it btw.)

Try to play stuff outside of topdeck sites on the Internet.

Well Tempo Rogue will probably come back into vogue with the Dr.Boon nerf. Take out the control Warrior match-up and it actually has good numbers against the rest of the meta as a whole.

I think I would classify Secret and Highlander Hunter as midrange as well.

I agree but only cause i happen to like midrange decks. Truth is subjective. What you and me find ideal, someone else might find boring. I met alot of Aggro players, Combo players, Control players in my 5 years of hearthstone. Guess what? Each of them happens to believe Combo, Aggro and Control are perfect. So, who do you think you are to say whats perfect and whats not? Get of your high superiosity complex horse.

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I can absolutly honestly say that truth isnt subjektive.

No. None. Never.

Truth is a fact. But i think acording to the rest of your post you just used the wrong word

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Yes. All truth is subjective. Always.

Edit: or was it an ironic joke?

No but pls eleborate

I never heared theres a “version” of truth

Truth is a fact. Whetever i like it or not.

Pls explain

Relative truth is subjective, absolute truth is objective. So it depends on the context as to which is being discussed.

Well whats the point of relative truth?

What you believe to be true to yourself. So from your perspective it is true but not necessarily for someone else. Language can be weird.

That explains the term but doesnt answer the question

I have to admit i had to google the term but how is something that is true only to you despite any facts or different opinions true in the long run.

Im genually curious