New game mode in Hearthstone

Hi, Iam 100% sure abut New game Mode. There is several system, that cold be all in one game mode or you can chose some of this sketch ideas:

  1. ARENA
    Arena now is the onlyest mode that really interest players, because there fair conditions and no OP IMBA Combo from Rating. In Ranked you play same Combo cards, but in Arena you play easy Tempo gameplay. Now there is no 3rd mode with synegy - make this! Players allways want to play synergy game plan and win by card description - make this! Arena is always different and unpredictable, where you win thanks to simple understanding of unique situation - thats why players feel themselfs as a genius. New game mode must show another logic possibilityes, like some kind of middle variation between 50% Arena mix and 50% Fun decks only from Ranked. Ranke is unplayable now, becouse it is too hard. New mode need a separate conditions.
    (EXAMPLE: Players like to chose cards (or set of cards) - like in arena or Dungeon run. Arena system with 3 loses is good. New mode must set main priority to play many different decks to reach high result in total (as much times as you can). There is should be main point to reach record by unique rare decks, that cant play in ranked, and next game you will must change deck).

    This is a main thing! When a new expansion comes out, players like to think about rare Theorycraft arcytypes. It is like magic! There are can be found 5-10 different archetypes for each class - this is exactly goal for game! Everybody like Theorycraft decks, becouse they are simple and fun, but each time everybody upsad, becouse new meta got IMBA CHEAT decks, that destroy all chances to play rare Theorycraft decks. Everybody want to play 50 arectypes and nobody want to play same TOP deck. New game mode must use special conditions to play only Theorycraft decks and separate from Ranked archetypes. This conditions will create a whole new game with giant space for ideas!
    (EXAMPLE: there will be imposible to make Control IMBA decks becouse of limit in spellbook. Also there will be chose for set of cards, or special measures, that will create a whole new world for Theorycraft decks or some kind of unfinished archetypes! You can reissue a cards back in Standart, or make more dublicates of them, or super cards for synergy, or allow to pick more than 2 cards in deck, or make passive ability to sumon 1-1 minion in end of turn, or another special conditions, or pre-sets… etc).

    Arena now is best mode, becouse you chose 1 of 3 cards. New mode must develop something closer to this. You can make a global gameplay changes, as second hero power, or several skills in hero, or special skills from minions, ultimate skills, fatality… etc. There can be new option and mechanic (like copy opponents decks) to chose old meta presets from archive (with all card list view as they were in old meta archetypes). Need another method, mathematics, basics of core GAMEPLAY! New players think that card description is main gameplay logic - make mode with this rule! Balance in new mode will be like “Chaos Wheel”, where one deck have same count of good / bad opponent in mutch ups. Main, basic, core gameplay will show special possibilityes. You will play versus more sucsess opponent, to collecting their “trophy”.
    (EXAMPLE: you may start with full preset (one of 50-100 shemes) or 10-15 cards, so everyone got same power deck and you cant waste it. After each 1-2 wins you will chose more 2-4 minion set, that enlarge your deck. Than more you play, than more you upgrade your cards (by some strategy expectations), until you will collect super rare deck list - This process is epic! You will lose cards if you lose match (like 3 life in Arena mode). You may kick out some bad cards (as in Dungeon run). This “Storage system” will offer special cards to chose your way and different presets in middle game, in late game you will switch to another one - that will create unique decks until you reach end of stage. After that you will drop half of deck (or change preset) and restart a next “stage”. There is imposoble to make a passive IMBA Control decks at all, so you start with simple “Vanila” Classic cards only and play against same decks. Then more you play, then more you “upgrade” your deck and chose “global stratgy” of collecting cards. There will be system, without rank or ladder and you will “play in a row”, with win strike (4 wins, 8 wins ,12 wins prizes) - like “pillar system”. Maybe some kind of points or voucher will be main “progress tokens”, where numbers not depends of players skill).

    People love to play old decks, there is so many archetypes that worth to return key cards in Sandart. Its gona be epic nostalgy for pirates or mech, etc… Remake Wild mode to chose old meta year by calendar mode. Why you throw out “The Ancient Gods” cards if they was the best in game? You may or reissue these key card in Classic set FOREVER. You must throw out all IMBA OP Control decks FOREVER, becouse Hearthstone is ONLY for Casual playersm with Tempo decks. No other way! Return to Rogue “Burgle” for 3 mana (steal 2 card) and “Ethernal Peddler” for 5 mana (make cheaper other class card), becouse we dont want this unplayable rogue cards, like replace 1 mana (1 card steal). You can rework old card balance for this mode and make old unfinished archetypes playable. We want to play Buff Hunter, but not new Secret Hunter. We want Recruit Warroir in place of Control Warrior - delete armor FOREVER! Game must be fast!
    (EXAMPLE: Stealh Rogue (Kharazhan), Thief Rogue (Kharazhan), Spitefull Druid (Witchwood), Beast Druid (Kharazhan), Evolve Shaman (MSoG), Totem Shaman (Kharazhan), Midrange Hunter (Old Gods), Quest Hunter (UnGoro), Mech Warrior (GvG), Illidan Walock (GvG), Pirate Kragg Warrior (MSoG), Dragon Paladin (Kharazhan), Murlock Paladin (GvG), Tempo Mage (GvG), Mech Mage (GvG), Discard Zoolock (Kharazhan), Quest Priest (UnGoro), Dragon Priest (League).

    New mode can use 50-100 Shecmes / PRESETS (templates) wich include 10-15 necessarily cards. Main idea: create unique mechanic from all expansions and with separate balance, where accent will be on card description (abilities). Presets can be based on “Research tree”, that open set bonus: Maligos (Boss), if you take all necessarily cards from list. Presets will create new thoughts of gameplay and this measures must limit infinite power of Control decks. Then Control decks should change gameplay from passive to temp (Control Warrior or Jade Druid), Control archetypes must be only fun mechanic and not pro tournament (Recruit Warrior or Beast Druid) - This kind of Control decks are accepteble. Midrange decks must be mainstream, like Spitefull Druid or Quest Rogue, becouse they perfect balanced 50-50%: fun, skill, power. Yes, use highroll to win - this is right.
    (EXAMPLE: Warrior will lose infinite power cards and construct deck with normal minions cards (withot clear spells). Now fun decks has 10%-35% winrate, so in new game mode will possible to win them as 50-60% winrate! Maybe there will be necessary to swap preset time to time - so match up will depend only from your atention and not of OP card draw).

    Special conditions must make playable old weak archetypes, like Buff Hunter (Gadgetzan) or Quest Shaman (UnGoro). New mode must give a chance for second life to lost outsider archetypes and rethink it from another idea. New mode require special balance that will open HUGE space for tactics! This will make better new expansions with same problem of unplayable cards, so finaly these cards will have a sense.
    (EXAMPLE: take 3-6 minions, limit 0-1 spell, only classic cards, chosing card description ability (2 from 4 options), buff group of minions, random minion from group, whole group of 3-5 minions (Party mode), ultra skill for heroes (very powerful with cooldown for 3 turn) use Wizlebang or Malchezaar type cards…

    I’ll remember Chips board games in my childhood where 2 players make a bet with Chips and winner is get prize chip. Maybe some kind or add / lose card rule will help to diligently collect their unique decks - this will encourage them to play constantly. Now players collect dust and packs in Arena mode, but they have nowhere to use it (Ranked is not potion). Just play and reach high result in total to “piggy bank”.
    (EXAMPLE: Presets may based on legendary cards, so you cant gather all IMBA legendaryes. You will lose cards from decks when you lose match, so decks will be allways different. Some extra cards will be exist only in this new mode and you will need to make them also in spellbook. There will be additional extra cards or adapted old ones, so they acquire special properties. You can mix special conditions together with Malcesare, Jaraxus, Death Knight…

    Now Casual players are absolutely not interested in Ranked mode. For them Ranked is too specific, complex, deadly boring, identical, annoying… etc. Ranked can provide only wierd pleasure, during an infinite study of all possible outcomes by IMBA Combo decks - no one like this! In 0-5 Rank play constantly only 0,25% of all players (5% by other sourse). So 95% of players are Casuals with simple needs, who play in “Sun mode”. Yes, we need casual rules. When, you finally stop torture Casual player, so they will be able to play fan decks separately from Ranked? Casual players want a easy in New mode with super synergy - make this! In New mode Casual will feel them easy and soft, like a feather - that will give a epic blasting experience. In Ranked you reach 10-5 rank, but next TOP IMBA decks don’t allow you to rise higher. New mode will use completely different game principle for Casuals, where OP IMBA Control decks is impossible, becouse they will be limited, nerfed, weackned.
    (EXAMPLE: now iam very like to play new Control decks, like Brann Hunter, Reno Mage, Quest Shaman - they are perfect example of Control decks, that have 50-50% balanced power. In past were also nice minon arcetypes of Control decks, like Beast Druid, Mech Hunter, Elem Mage, Dragon Paladin, Paletress Priest, Anubarak Rogue, Neptulon Shaman, Illidan Warlock, Varian Warrior - all of this decks was also unplayable, becouse of meta CHEAT BROKEN Control infinite 200-500% power. Cheat decks in Tier S ruine game, like Jade Druid, Dr. Boom Warrior, Frost Mage, Raza Priest, CubeLock, Maligos OTK… etc).

  9. BRAWL
    We seen a lot of options in a brawls, where was a lot of gameplay versions, like: presets of cards, chosing a cards in every turn (wich is boring), limit list of cards, meta of old expansions, special rules. I thinl, The best ones is vere you can play top fun decks, like Murlock Paladin or Pirate Warrior with Krag. Returnd “The Ancient Gods” cards becouse these mechanics is a necessary for HS and reach increadible high level of game. You can make most popular of them like new mode - make this finally! Also will be nice to have a public chat Tavern - where you can talk to people and make special brawl to invite them to your own series of matches. Also there will be nice PvE “Dungeons&Dragons” Brawl - RPG mode for friends 2x2 and interaction PvE field like in “Monopoly”. Maybe here can be analog of Garnison or Garden in Pandaria, or Pet battle for HS.

    Release New game mode, or Hearthstone 2, or Remastered Hearthstone Reforged, or something!!! You told about big plans and new game mode a long time ago, but still not realease it! You have developments that you never released - why you dont relese them? Make global game refresh. Invest money in best designers team wich can make game refresh and make it incredibly interesting! Heartstone require changes a long time ago!

I got ideas more here:

So what you’re saying is, everyone likes arena and no one likes actual games but everyone likes to theory craft but no one likes to build decks. You’re suggesting that the game should only be arena games, nothing else. I don’t like arena, infact I hate it but I love seeing interesting decks in ranked and casual play. Stop posting this stuff, if you hate the game so much because it’s “op” and “purely luck based” then just play something else with similar concept like MTG

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ok, look, in article says: Everyone play Arena - yes; No one like ranked (maybe 5% of players does). Everyone like rare theorycraft decks with simpl synergy - yes. No one like similar same IMBA OP decks and Ranked mode, becouse its sucks. Now there is no mode in game that I could play, so needed to make new mode. I described it very accurately and it will be completely different. it’s all for the good future of Hearthstone.

why do you think that?

I’m pretty sure a lot of people like ranked, as evidenced by the hundreds of people in legend rank along with a bunch of people in the rank 15-1 area. If you get to rank 15 I imagine you like playing ranked.

How do you know what’s good and bad for the future of Hearthstone? The game developers have managed to make a card game stay relevant. Don’t try the “so why do players keep leaving?” Excuse because that doesn’t work.

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it is absolutley right. This is the worst idea for Hearthstone ever, becouse it contradicts the basics of game! Game should be ALLWAYS easy, fun, varied, interesting…etc. Ranked mode with such super 200% Owerpowerful decks completely kills all game. Players want study simple things, but not compicated - so make special new mode for this! This game is not about combo vombo and about infinite matches - payer want only tempo super synerfy and all! Hearthstone this is not a game for Control decks at all. Hearthstone is a game where I defeat your simple deck with classic minions by playing exactly simple minions deck (Like Chtun or Pirate War) just because i was being a little more attentive - and thats all, Folks!!!

how do you know?

[4 more characters]

Pirate warrior? That deck was broken to the point where 5 year olds that just finished the tutorial could get legend rank

1/2. WAY more people play Ranked than Arena, so I have no idea what you’re basing this on other than your own thoughts.

  1. That seems impossibly difficult to add.

  2. No they don’t, a lot of people just want to win and don’t care about iterating a deck through until it’s optimal. The mode your asking for would be even more unbalanced than ranked, as the set wouldn’t be designed around it. It doesn’t matter how many cards/decks you remove, there will always be a few T1 decks, it’s impossible to have 50 different equally strong decks, removing the top decks just mean that the “second best” decks replace them at the top and so on.

  3. I hate being forced to use certain cards.

  4. I’ll chose mech Mage, seeing as that crushes the other decks you’ve listed there. Pretty sure I’d win 70+% of the games I’d go first with it.

7/8. You want to simplify the game, yet make it 100 times more complicated?

Even though pretty much everything you’re saying is just plain wrong, the thing I want added to the game the most, would actually give you what you want and that’s a fully customizable tournament mode. Not your pie in the sky design your own TB, that’s ridiculous, but where you can set the format, as well as specific card bans and which sets can be used.

p.s C’Thun? The control/combo big boss? I don’t think you even know what you want.

actually, you said same thing, that only coupe of hundeads play in legend rank - yes! There is imposible to play, becouse of unfair and infinite power decks. Ok, thats is obviousley, that hundeads of hundeads paly in 1-15 rank, so… iam right. It is better to make game for Casual players only, becouse they are the main part of Hearthstone, but it is not 5% players in legend rank. Try to looks wight on the real ccontingent. Iam reach 3 rank and never reach 0 rank, becouse there is no point to play highter - this is unfair dirty game. Game must allways be easy, fun, casual, but never like headake competiton with unfair IMBA Control decks. Pirate War was the best decks in all history of Hearthstone, becouse it proof, that if you will take Control deck, so you will be punish 100%. Play tempo or lose - it is fair rule. This how Hearthstone must works!

You don’t get it do you? In literally every game there is a competitive scene, if it’s a single player game people will speed run and compete for the best times. Card games will have tournaments for prizes because people like to play to win, fighting games, sports games, board games. They all have competitive scenes.

I don’t care what you say, every game has a competitive side to it, no game is purely built for causal play, especially card games.

New game mode for theorycraft decks - thats what Hearthstone really need. Yes, no one like Ranked, becouse of so many reasons. Belive me, it is just bad and have no future - its dead like Chtun or Chtulhu. New mode with special conditions were need from start of the game. Tournament dont need at all, there is 1% of PRO, so it have no sense. Just throw out this mess on trashyard (read my article where i was explain all this situation). This conditions could be enought to create a complete new game with giant game space for alternative thought and ideas! This is really Fantastic! It is not necessary to use only certain cards, i mean, that you will start to play with game preset about 10-15 cards and after each 2 wins you will chose 3-4 minion sets to enlarge your deck. So than more you will play, than more changes your deck will have. Also there will be possible to kick out some cards, or you will lose couple of them if you lose (like 3 life in Arena mode). In the mode, there may be a storage system for creating completely different decks. There is imposoble to make a IMBA mech mage, you only may create a simple mech mage with classic cards and play against same deck of your ooponent. They more you play, then more you upgrade your deck and play versus more sucsess opponent. Yes, i want something like “pie in the sky design your own TB” - super mix of gameplay!

why do you think that?

do you ask such a meaningless question after all in my article? Please read it carefully (and previous ones) and you will found really important holy things that underlie in basics of HS.

just this time. just wanted to know what you base this assumption on that you repeat so often.

unfortunately you can’t answer it. or maybe you’re just trolling and we don’t see it.

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I understand that it is not first time that you and same nicknames have been answered for my articles. Prehaps its means, that you are not ordinary people. My article details why the ranked is so bad, becouse its dead. The main thing is that it is not interesting to play, but Arena is interesting. Why? Because the Arena is diverse and fun, there are fair conditions (unlike ranked). In ranken it’s deadly boring to study the endless confrontation of infinite power decks manly. It is fun t stude simple decks, so people play Arena. The legend gets 0.1-0.25% of the players or something like that - it is shame for game, that becouse of unfair conditions so tiny amount of all players can reach 0 rank! Let’s say that I took a 0-5 tank with a margin and that’s only 5% of the players (about 10k). All the remaining 95% (about 100kk), who just want to have fun and play fair, when opponent does not have a chance to greatly exceed them - that’s what real game design is. Who play in this game? Casuals? Who buy packs? CASUALS!!! You must make fun to them, and not for those “book worms” who endlessly fight for legend ranks - this is rediculus. People want fun only and super synergy! Game design it is not invention of new type of same imba Control War, Control Priest, Control Mage, Control Warlock… Gamedesign - it is make all decks different and same power. For example simple minions decks: Recruit War, Dragon Priest, Elem Mage, Demon Warlock. Gei it?

So you want a mod for stupid people?

So YOU dont like something so everything needs to be for your pleasure? You really are some spoiled kid, and this will probably surprise you, but the world don’t spin around you. Actually no one even cares about you and what you want. If you want to implement this useless things, make your own game.

your useless text is full of thoughts of some spoiled kid who think everything needs to be as he wants

You clearly cant understand this game and what ccg is, so don’t even try.

thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I don’t agree with your assumption, calculation and conclusion, but that’s not important here.

I just wanted to know your train of thought, so I am contend. take care!

thx for your opinion man, it is so important. I was play in Warcraft from 1996, so even if you will try, you will never found such experiens player as iam. I hope this does not hurt your special conceit. Iam 100% sure abou this new game mode. Yes, Ranked it is the worst, that could happend with Hearthstone. This game is for Casuals only and they dont want to play high rank. Casuals whant fun decks only, so this why i suggest so.

Blizzard never add for this (maybe when change Unity)