Galakrond shaman is broken

Galakrond shaman is a broken op deck with no skill involved. Playing one card that gives you five armor FOUR 8/8 rush minions and a 5/2 wep is a tad overkill. No to mention that you can toss in Shudderwock and do it all over again. And if you are playing vs a skilled player and the match is card for card it’s game over. Combined with the new neutral cards this is just stupid.
This is no where near balanced or fun. Power creep in an understatement of how BROKEN this is.


Let me guess hmmm; you are broken after a loss against it, first their are bigger OP decks arround this moment than the deck you mention.
And yes they are already nerfing it next weak, real pitty.

Broken no. Annoyed yes. If I get outplayed ok. If I lose to NRG yea that happens. But to get utterly destroyed by a single card drop that involves no skill what so ever is not ok and feels cheap. Yes there are powerful decks but they at least involve some skill or luck. This thing just drops. 4x 8/8 Rush and a 5/2 weapon oo yes AND five armor for 9 mana. And if that fails do it all over for another 9 mana. Give me a break.

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I agree with WarGreymon a 9 mana card should not outrightly win the game on it,s turn, Its not so much Galakrond is broken it,s the Synergy it receives from Shaman and the quest and Shudderwock almost every Quest shaman can run Galakrond with basically no downside as he can be buffed by the quest itself.

This should not be the case otherwise why can other heroes not “buff” their Galakrond via their quests?

Maybe priests could give extra invokes to Galakrond by healing minions, or Warlocks by drawing cards.

The rush effect on the summoned minions is way too much also, People moaned about Dr Boom mech rush was broken and then this happens, I guess Blizzard do not learn…

I also made a post with a argument as to why this is broken.


Ik you cant counter ANYTHING i have 30hp board full of cards, opponent has no cards, invokes galakrond, all his cards cost 0 now and he keeps pullin more 0 cost cards, kills every single minion of mine and gets me to 12hp. If you want to counter galakrond you have to use galakrond. That strips all creativity with deks literally forcing you to use a galakrond deck.

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Good luck with the warlock Galakrond watch in amazement as a fully buffed Galakrond pulls a 1/3, 3/2 , 0/3 and a 3/4 totally OP Galakrond… XD


Really? better decks? name one, Galakrond shammy is ridiculously OP right now, i agree with WarGreymon they are broken and should be nerfed immediately, they were OP in previous expansion when Blizz brought “evolve” bk, and now even more. 1000 times stronger than any deck, no contest.


The only way to enjoy heartstone is to play Galakrond Shaman and draw excellent. Such fun… And such fun to play against…

Time for some serious nerfs.



You can’t be more wrong :wink:

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You might be right! But there have to be SOME liars in these forums! Haha… Unless the shaman players don’t know how to read…

I play all classes and I can make lots of decent decks already for all.
For the moment I play a “Deathrattle rogue” and I crush almost all shamans I come a cross.

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Nice! Same, but sometimes they get the MEGA nuts! Lol. Then I’m like… WTF Blizz? XD

deathrattle rouge is a good deck, but still worst than shaman

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if you dont like shaman play quest hunter

its amazing has a good mathcup round the board and eats galakrond shaman for breakfast

And how many of these “decent” decks can turn the game around with ONE card. Come on. You want to be the opposition in the thread that’s fine but at least be realistic. When the majority of people don;t agree maybe just maybe there’s something to it. You may have fun with the current state of the game but it’s not the same for the rest of us do take that into account. No one NO ONE likes it when they outplayed someone and then they get BOOOOM ROFL STOMPED by one card.

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There is no creativity in this game… About 100 players make decks to millions of retards. It’s a fact.
I don’t care about OP decks, it’s great some1 made it. Problem is these idiots who copy it. Last 5 years i havn’t seen uncopied deck.
I really feel sorry for everyone here.

I don’t feel sorry for you at all. BS post.

O please the majority of decks are copy-pasted and people just change a few cards that they don’t own. A streamer uses a powerful deck and the next day it’s all over the place. Don’t be disingenuous.

I made a galakrond shaman mecha’thun deck; I haven’t seen that on hearthpwn before, at least.

Honestly, the galakrond doesn’t win games for me; I play it for the control against midrange and aggro. I don’t main any specific class, but most of my decks are mechathun or tech it in for control matchups.

I agree, being just one card, it’s pretty OP. Especially even post-nerf, the invokes themselves are either good-tier to normal. The galakrond is a huge tempo “regain the board” kind of card, and if you’re down against an opponent you can turn it in your favour.

I don’t have Kronx, the summon 2 5/6 spirit wolf thing, corrupt the waters, or shudderwock, and I’m still winning games with just the “search up invoke add all” package.

It certainly doesn’t need a nerf, as I play this more in classic/unranked, but it is a card with a lot of swing. If you look at the other Galakronds, they’re not as good, even now, considering the invoke power.

Priest’s invoke in arguably the worst, on tempo and on value. Their battlecry is so-so, and can be compared to Death Knight Anduin; good tempo, but in most cases a 8/8 rush > 2 random destroys.

Warlock has a weak invoke, which is OK with a good zoo/token deck since you can refill the board consistently, but the battlecry is one of the worst, and you need to get highrolls.

Rogue has a slightly better invoke than priest, but worse than warlock, and the battlecry could work in a combo deck, expensive deck, but not much else; rogue is a class with a lot of cheap cards, usually.

Lastly, warrior. I find the invoke to be pretty good and comparable to shaman’s (1 less attack, but you have to use face and can’t minion buff, but warrior has armour). The battlecry is overrated IMO; giving minions +4/+4 could be viable with charge and lifesteal, but I don’t see any really good value off of that; a 16/16 in stats is the same as what shaman provides, but shaman is more immediate (with the drawback being that warrior can have synergies with buffs, and that you can play them slower if you’re winning).

I spent way too much time on this. Shaman is definitely still a top galakrond, but not OP to the point where you can’t handle it with a broken deck of your own in this latest expansion. Power creep is a thing, whether you like it or not, and having Galakronds is a great way to have free-to play top tier decks (as most invokes are rare or common, and some synergies are as well).

I spent way too much time on this.