Hearthstone is a good game but

Hearthstone is a good game but not fun for me anymore. The beginning of the game was very cool, the classic era, because it was new for everyone and there were no bots playin on regular or ladder…now the game is full of bots and all bots are Zoo locks…it’s annoying and lame to play. I enter on the game to have fun like before on classic mode, i do like 3 matches on ladder and surprise! 3 bots, 3 zoos…i think for my self…“not fun anymore, sad”. On standard mode is the same thing, DK bots…
“Look son! bot here bot there”
Well, im just giving my opinion. Give your opinion too of you want.

PS- Please remove the majority of the bots from the game. The game is not fun with bots…


You should try classic mode it’s way more fun fella. :slight_smile:

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Any mode, classic, standard, wild, it’s not fun anymore because the ladder is full of Bots and all the bots are Zoo locks or DK’s.

I think, I will do that too… standard is not fun at all since DK appeared… ruined everything… The present developers create more and more unbalanced mechanics which are making chaos… Classic mode was designed by the real developers… maybe thats why it is still works… I am sick of the standard… just time waisting… I rather play against bots than play unfair and hopeless battles all the time…

Not also bots, some people chit about available time per turn: they have infinite time to play all their OTK combination of cards.

In addition, for super agro decks (pirate rogue, totem shaman, secret mage…) they don´t need an opponent, it´s just playing cards and going face. For these kind of decks I suggest to create a new game mode: ALONE. You play alone and you win on turns 4-5 and think: what a great game, what a smart player I am!

The reason its not very fun anymore is because blizard makes great games and then they slowly mess them up with balance patches :confused: they have no clue on how to balance a game, and its feels like they dont test before and expansion :frowning: