Hello blizzard. i think this game is so expensive now after this new quest system. we must play alot to gain achievements only for some packs or little golds. instead rich players buy adventure or Tavern pass and so easier gain exp and all… i think this is not fair. ago players could buy adventure with gold in game but now this is rly not fair. i playing alot and still im level 20 and so hard to gain more achievements now … cant gain gold to buy pack now and this is so bad… i hate this new quest sytem. pls fix it… ! i played without any donate until now and i liked this game because game was fair at all but now it’s not fair rly…
Weird time to complain when getting to level 20 in 6 days has got you 900 gold compared to what, 400 in the old system?
You do realise that buying the pass is no different from buying packs, it just comes in the form of gold and has some cosmetics attached.
In about a months time will be when the comparison starts to get interesting as we’ll all be earning less than before, but the question will be how much does it eat into the amount we’re all ahead.
Will they add any addition ways to get XP, like they had special events in the past that gave gold?
So all I’m saying is that it’s way to early to sharpen your pitch fork…right to have it on stand by though
yea it’s becuase that was ez to compelete achievements for start but now not easy
thats so ez to go until level 20 and little more becasue lot of ez achievements to complete on start but after level 20 or 25 so harder.
It was easy to get gold after to doing your daily before?
It is in a weird chunk format in that we get giving the gold up front with the weeklies but complaining at the moment is like complaining you got paid £100 on sunday but nothing for the rest of the week whereas you used to get £10 a day. At least wait until we’re getting paid £50 a week is all I’m saying
I think i see a lot of people getting frustrated with blizzard because of their approach to this game.
Even though the earnings are around the same, it has a more grindy nature to it.
This new reward system is just another greedy, sqeezing, quick cash mobile game.
People finding it ridiculous that after 6 years the prices are still the same and you pay way more for this game then some AAA games that had years and years of development already.
The current methods blizzard uses on their games are all known tactics to increase the profits, you might say that it is natural for a company to do this but a company is still run by humans and those directions are made by human greed.
I think if they would record their meetings when decisions are being made and why that is that you would be baffled how stupid people really are.
After so many years they would do great to increase the reward system in expierence gain and gold/pack rewards.
Blizzard really outvalue’s their game compared to others by far and such mobile cash grab implementation is getting now up the asses of people.
Oh , and here is a new update on the complaints from blizzard.
0 posts
We have been listening to your feedback regarding the Rewards Track and it’s clear we missed the mark both in how we communicated and implemented the full functionality of this first version of our rewards system.
We apologize for the confusion and disappointment we have caused.
During the natural progression of the rewards cycle, our intention was, and still is, to give out extra XP over time through a variety of ways. The aim is to help players get through the Rewards Track, or catch-up if they join later in an expansion phase, ultimately ensuring players earn more rewards.
We also didn’t provide any details for how events will link into and support the rewards system. We will be providing bonus XP for various activities at each seasonal event every expansion cycle, and any additional bonus events as needed, again with the aim of ensuring that our players obtain more rewards. Our failure to communicate these factors has led to incomplete projections, for which we apologize.
In addition, you’ve provided us with a wealth of feedback, and we agree that the pack rewards at the end of the track don’t feel appropriate for the effort it takes to get them. We’re going to adjust these rewards in the later stages of the track, swapping six packs for a total of 1350 gold that players can spend as they see fit. If any players reach this milestone before we implement these changes, they will be retroactively compensated.
Our goal for the Rewards Track continues to be that all Hearthstone players earn more gold and total rewards per expansion. We’ll continue to evaluate the impact of these changes, listen to your feedback, and iterate as needed until we get it right.
We will stay true to our word and ensure that the system lives up to what we all believe Hearthstone deserves.
Thank you,
Ben Lee
Game Director
Well I mean you do get WAY more now than you used to. I remember back when there was no monthly rewards and my first 2 legendaries were both Grom. Maybe it’s just because I remember having to win 5 games a day with whatever class they threw at you just so you could grind enough to be given 35 cards from an adventure, rather than the casual 110 I get for just showing up to play.
So to say the game hasn’t got cheaper since The Meanstreets of Gadgetzhan (when the adventures stopped, that’s a different debate) is a just a flat out lie (way more rewards, less time consuming quests, duplicate/triplicate protection). This latest change might well be the exception (as well as the money grab Galakrond’s awakening).
I will always say that the bang for your buck in this game is terrible, but as a long term player I’m happy enough with the freebies. I’ve had fun the last few days, but that’s maybe because my normal expansion cycle of having saved up for day 1 is unaffected, so I currently don’t care how much gold I have until the next expansion is released. If at that point I suddenly appear to have way less, then I’ll start complaining as well. But for now I’m looking forward to the random legendary I’m gona get at the start of next week and having fun whilst somehow winning some games whilst trying to do achievements with jank decks
Additional: Nice, I’m guaranteed to be gold up already thanks to those changes It is still gona be disheartening towards the end of the 50 when it’ll be a max 2 levels a week, but it’ll be easy enough to shut my brain off and just play.
wow tnx for answer. hearthstone is my favorite game and i hope the best for it.
It’s a free to play game but if you choose to go down the paying route, it is the most expensive game on the market.
I always buy the mega bundle so this time I bought the pass as well so that’s approx £90.
I’m really unhappy with this expansion. I paid £90 and I didn’t get a good haul of legendarys. I had 150 packs and got 5 legend cards which is not very good in my opinion. This will be the last time I spend money on this game.
I’m out😢
Damn, it always sucks when you low roll
I agree that this game is way to expensive and I’ve decided to stop playing this game as of right now, I’ve exhausted my dust and gold for pretty much nothing. I might be lucky to make a decent deck each expansion, but they are releasing expansions way to frequently. A new expan every 3 months is just way to fast and way to expensive. And the worst part about it, is that you buy 50+ packs and don’t get the cards for the decks you want to play.
So until they change it, so packs are cheaper or you atleast get to choose the legendaries you want. Im not gonna touch this game
I’m with you, I bought both bundles and got 6 legendaries out of the packs. I said I’m through with this game a couple of time including Scholo where I got 4 legendary cards out of 90+ packs. I didn’t even add the packs earned from quests.
An expansion every quarter is insanely fast, too expensive to keep up with and there’s not even enough time to enjoy the current collection, and worse of all you don’t even own anything physically, other than pixels that can be shut down anytime.
Kingsbounty ( + )
Ixnay ( - ) as always.
I always buy the packs sale but this expansion there is alot more legends cards and its alot harder to get to. The blizzard greed lvl is 99999999.
Have played since beta and but for the first time im so close to stopping.
Greedy greedy company…
What do you mean by “this expansion there is alot more legends cards”? Last three expansions had 25 legendaries each. Of course, we do not know what the mini-set will bring, but so far, it is the same. Previous years, it was like 23-24 per expansion.
And what do you mean by “a lot harder to get to?” I got approx. the same amount as in the previous expansions for the same amount of money…
Yeah there’s the same amount of Legendaries and you’re almost guaranteed to have more gold/packs/dust (depending on the random epic/legendary) at this point in time. People are mad because gold is harder to come by once the weeklies are gone and they believe that long term they’ll have less gold. At this point you’re still up from the front stacking of the rewards (quite possible you’ll make less every week from now on after you’ve done your weeklies).
Well, I will do the math in March 2021
Anyway, it is true I spent quite a lot of money: Megabundle + C’Thanks Bundle + Tavern Pass = 120 EUR. Legendaries I got:
1 x Silas
6 x from DMF packs
1 x from Megabundle IIRC
2 x from C’Thanks
2 x from Rewards Track
2 x crafted
Total of 14 from Darkmoon Faire, I also unpacked one from Old Gods (packs bought for the Rewards Track gold) and one from Scholomance (packs from the C’Thanks bundle).
And I am at 90 gold and like 395 or so dust So pretty screwed But that is the state of my savings all the time, not because of Rewards Track.