1 The Hearthstone team destroyed the game. For example, you can never win against warlock when using the cards in which he takes your life when he takes his life. That’s an obvious bag. I have pictures in which I lose the 4th round of the opponent and my 4th, I moved first and in the 4th round I lose! there is no chance to beat something like that no matter what cardsI have.
2. I’m not a loser. I’m a diamond or better constantly, but after the new upgrade I can’t win in the face of warlock. At rogue in round 3 he put in battle 2 cards of 8 Ragnarok and Sneed old Shredder. If you think that this game is still related to strategy, you are wrong. This is a mess and I consider a game full of bugs.
3. You spend your time the way you want. But I have the right to tell you that it is stupid to waste your time with a game based on pure luck. I made the same mistake. Give up this addiction and you will thank me in a while. It’s not worth wasting your time, believe me! Do something for your real world life not to enrich the blizzard. This game is a demon that consumes your life without you realizing it. Get out of this nonsense!
Oh? Questline Warlock has 100% winrate, you say? I wonder if the rest of the community has caught on to that tidbit.
And why is that? All I’ve seen thus far from you has been you proverbially frothing at the mouth in the general direction of Blizzard when you’ve failed to recognize certain risks like “destroy the opponent 10 cards from the pack”, which I assume means Tickatus.
In this game there are certain meta decks that rise above the rest - a good player like yourself at Diamond should be able to at least somewhat predict what an opponent’s deck archetype looks like after you’ve played against them for a few turns. And if you can’t fight against Warlock, then you identify what about Warlock’s new arsenal causes you to lose, then you take a page out of the book that was Journey to Un’Goro and you Adapt.
I find it hard to believe that this actually happened, at least in regular play, you’d need to provide a replay if possible to show us how this was possible. In Duels or a Tavern Brawl I could see it happening but not normal Hearthstone.
Apart from some glitches and disconnects on the rare occasion, I actually don’t encounter bugs all that much. Either you and I have different definitions of the word “bug” or there might be possible conflation between actual bugs and the game’s design going on for you.
Pure luck, you say? I strongly disagree. Even modes like Battlegrounds, which I think are too luck-dependant, have elements of strategy and player agency to them. Sure, there are cards that are completely random (All Hail Yogg’Saron, Master of Memery and Rajah of RNG), there are far more cards that give you, the player, complete control of how to utilize it. And even some that are still pseudo-random still allow you to influence the outcome (Discover cards, anyone?)
And indeed, there are cards that limit your own options (Oh no! The enemy pulled my minion from my hand when I wanted to use the Battlecry to my advantage!), but it is up to you to make the best of the hand you’re given.
Says the guy who’s wasting his time in an online forum owned by the company he’s railing against. The phone rang earlier, Pot wanted to ask if Kettle was still around.
Ah yes, the best demon to summon with Galakrond/DK Gul’dan.
Great anwer post m8 you covered me