Hidden Oasis and Scarlet Webweaver


i think the druid one will be a hell of a stalling card … i think its strong but also really … meh :neutral_face: when you have to face it

the spider? Idk … will there be big midrange hunter?

I think if you have to pay 6 mana to restore 12, the game is over anyway. and a 6 mana 6/6 isn’t very spectacular either. I think even with fandral it’s not good enough because there you have better cards to pair it with.

the hunter card seems very meh to me. I don’t know what deck runs high cost beasts, but few low cost ones.

I think the Druid card is terrible, unless quest druid is a thing, then it’ll be in that deck.

Not sure on the spider. You can set up some ridiculously powerful turns, but typically with Hunter, it’s better to just kill your opponent.

Hidden Oasis seems very good…
… If you have the Druid quest completed. If not then it’s bad. Or rather not impactful enough.

Scarlet Webweaver looks VERY powerful! Imagine hitting beasts like Oondasta, King Krush, Amani Warbear etc. enabling Big Hunter archetype. There’s also this new Hunter epic minion:

Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Summon a minion from your opponent

Which also looks SICK! Even too powerful, maybe. Could’ve been a legendary, although not very interesting or exciting one.

hahah i was just about to post the scorpion :slight_smile:

well i think there is a good possibility that quest druid will be a thing. i mean with all the choose cards even in standard and its not hard to finish the quest :slight_smile:

hmmm … maybe finally a druid quest i could enjoy but how does it win rather then just not loose?

Webweaver is for memes but holy hell is it a good meme. I think it’ll be great in both Standard and Wild to enable crazy combos and swing turns.

Hidden Oasis actually looks pretty good, I like it. Will enable Standard combos, probably won’t see it in Wild.

The scorpion boi is good against combo/value decks, but Hunter can already go face to deal with those so this card feels… off. Also stats - Nice.

Have you heard of our lord and saviour Kathrena? I’m dropping Thaurisan for this any time!

why? i dont get it sry

the spider makes beasts chaper

and kathrena gets beasts from deathrattle … am i getting something wrong here

thx for explaining :3

My Kathrena decks rely on either recruiting big charge beasts and playing Dire Frenzy or playing one of those beasts and playing Dire Frenzy. The first option might fail and the second option takes two turns unless Dire Frenzy AND Charged Devilsaur get a Thaurisan tick.

With Scarlet Webweaver I can lower the cost a lot more than with Thaurisan and I don’t need to have the Dire Frenzy in hand. Only problem: it’s also a beast which can mess up my Kathrena recruits. But it is definitely worth trying one of. Same cost and same stats as Thaurisan and a much bigger effect.

Scarlet Webweaver: Good battle cry. Not sure if it fits the hunter archetypes we have some potential for a new one to emerge focusing on bigger beasts. A mid range secret hunter perhaps that utilises secret synergy minions for early game that then transitions into beasts for late?

Hidden Oasis: Terrible card on it’s own but if anyone has played or watched a lucentbark deck in action you’d know that a 10 mana heal 5 card would probably find a spot in this deck. Any form of healing is super valuable in lucentbark decks and the flexibility available with this card to fend off some mid game aggression with a 6/6 taunt while not great does add some defence that lucentbark decks are missing in the mid game.

Beware !

Big Hunter is coming !

Secret package. Maybe no cat trick and wandering, removal mech package?!
Weapon package.
Removal spells, maybe no flanking tho :confused:
Rexxar, Zul’Jin
Dire fenzy scalehide…

The things don’t really tie together, which is good, hunter always had to make sacrifices when building a deck which is why it is one of the best classes in terms of design, I’m incredibely happy with the new cards.

You can run massive beasts, the Tar Creeper taunt package, secret package, Bran for these two exclusively, both hero cards luckily and if you don’t want Kathrena, and you don’t cause you want the battlecries to trigger, you can run the 4/6 scalehide package and even when you hit a scalehide with your spiders you can pretend it wasn’t undercosted in the first place (Yeah, it was a 5 mana 4/6 Zilliax, completely balanced)