How did you choose which character to specialise with?

Which character are you willing to invest in with cards crafted to complete decks?

How did you decide which would be your main deck?

Itā€™s quite simply the deck I like most at that time. Usually Warlock, because he plays similar to my preferred playstyle.

Any, as dust becomes expendable. (I started in February so I donā€™t have a lot of cards or dust yetā€¦) Not going for meta decks, just looking at what I have and what might be fun.

I got Khadgar last expansion, so I went ā€œGuess Iā€™ll be playing mage now? ^,^ā€ (I even spent most of my dust at that time on crafting one Mountain Giant for that, but otherwise went with whatever I had sitting around. Wasnā€™t that much after ~2 months of playingā€¦)

Also I very strongly disliked Hunter (ā€œā€¦everyone knows that face is the placeā€¦ā€), so I tried playing that for a while and now I actually like it. (More than Mage even, as crafting a decent Hunter deck is much cheaper than making a competitive Mageā€¦ Currently, Iā€™d say that ā€œSMOrcā€ is my main deck.)

And thatā€™s how I continuedā€¦ Eww those murlocs! *makes Murloc Shaman* (no Warleaders as they cost 400 dust, but otherwise works ok-ish).

Still havenā€™t really tried Warrior, Priest (Catrina & Lyra are waiting), Warlock (Hirā€™eek lol & Jaraxxus), Rogue (have Tak & Tessā€¦ but Academic Espionage is 400 dustā€¦ twice, for decent draw probability ._.), but right now Iā€™m experimenting with Paladin & Druid. (I got the druid quest, soā€¦ *shrugs* XD)

Fun story on the Paladin: One of the Witchwood packs got me the Glass Knight (gains divine shield whenever you heal), and combined with Lightforged Blessing (give a minion lifesteal) and optionally Sunfurry Protector or Defender of Argus (both give Taunt to adjacent minions), thatā€™s led to some ridiculously confused opponents. XD

(Opponent sees shielded GK with lifesteal & taunt, runs a minion into it. Shield popsā€¦ and immediately comes back up. Opponent runs next minion into it, and repeatsā€¦ clearing their board and healing me. I emote a heartfelt ā€œthank youā€ (after all, I was less than a Leeroy away from death thanks to my Ornery Tortoises and Bloodclaws) and then they go ā€œYour soul shall suffer!ā€, rope, and concedeā€¦ m))

So thatā€™s one deck idea that Iā€™m willing to invest some dust inā€¦ maybe 200-600, depending on how reusable the cards areā€¦ even though I donā€™t think thatā€™ll ever be my ā€œmainā€ deck or class.

Hereā€™s my favourite classā€¦

No pain, no brain.
Little ones.
Big ones.
All the nasty ones in between.
Carnivorous Cube.
Combo Disruptor.
Plot Twist.

Why tell you itā€™s name when youā€™re already thinking about it? :smiling_imp:

some ideas would be to pick every class and try to make a deck thatā€™d work for them, if you can and can understand every single choice then that class is good for you, thatā€™s how it works for me with mage and druid

As far as Iā€™m concerned it is not related with the class. It is related with an idea in my head, or a deck I want to try, often to have even more ideas in my head.

However I feel your question is related with some specific condition that hinders some choice. Maybe because you have limited resources or time. So before I explore it any further, answer me this: why are you asking this question? What is the underlying problem you want to address.

Constant evolution of decks but not got unlimited resources so trying to decided whoā€™s quests and legendaries will give longevity as well as ladder climbing opportunitiesā€¦

Ok, so you want to compete on limited resources. There are several ways of doing it:

  1. Slow and steady, meaning open packs as you go along, donā€™t DE any common or rare because the dust yield is to low. DE the epics and legendaries that are not seeing play to focus on one, and later two or three, T1 and T2 decks. This means you are not focusing on a class but rather on having sufficient resources. The issue with this is when something you disenchanted becomes part of the meta.
  2. Focus on one or two classes, meaning DE everything from other classes to build the best decks of the classes you want to compete with. You should focus on classes you genuinely enjoy the pros and cons (check Phillybearā€™s thing with Warlock for instance). The issue with this approach is that your one or two classes may not have viable top tier decks to compete. That can suck badly.

By class, investing to Rogue and Warrior is your best bet. Why? Cause historically those 2 classes always had a Tier 1 Deck no matter. I cant recall a single Meta whereas Rogue or Warrior were below Tier 2. The reason behind that is most likely their solid Tempo and Control tools from Classic Set respectively.

That solely depends on your preferences and your dedication to climb Ladder. If you wanna play memes all day and have laughs, you can brainstorm random stuff with any class. Though if you wanna reach at least lets say R5, youā€™ll typically have to stick to a Tier 1 - 2 deck.

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Mage at first because I liked secrets at the time of Karazhan and it was fun messing opponents tempo. But it was early days.
Now I main Rogue imply because I actually do like the tempo style and combos a lot and it feels like I actually do have to use my brain. When you manage to pull out crazy strings, Itā€™s just so fascinating.


If I had to disenchant all of my class cards and could not play anything else than 1 class. 100% warlock, the class easily manages to stay relivant in practically every meta and has some of the most interesting legendaries. Also I like the play style of health doesnā€™t matter till itā€™s your last so warlock works well for me

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It was intuitive.ā˜†ā˜†!

For me I found the deck that I enjoyed the most, mage, but I wasnā€™t doing well with it as I lacked the minions to get board control and am ok with spells, so I went druid as it has a good mix and now main quest, big minion and dragon spell druid.

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no idea blud what class u on about?

I like priest. I didnā€™t know the resurrection priest is OP. My first character in world of Warcraft was also a priest. I like healers. Second is shaman.

I also like mind control cards. Yesterday I discovered that the card who give +1 & +2 and copy also works on enemy minions :smiley:

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Played mainly control in mtg before I came to HS, took a few years too, so Priest fit like a glove - tempo/combo IF/DS, rez (though I hate it now), Gala, new tempo.
Obviously, I also liked mage, then it became casino. Shaman is stupid fun for me now, because itā€™s an underdog tech class.
Token decks are fun, so Druid. But, I also needed an aggro for quick games, and I built a Dragon hunter with Toxic.
As such, my rogue and paladin collections look like crap, and though I miss a couple of legs from Priest / Druid, I enjoy them most.
Singleton (real highlander) was one of my fav formats in mtg, so as long as I have enough synergies, I build HL decks.

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Itā€™s great to see some of the reasoning behind your preferred choices! How about the rest of you? What draws you to that class? :magnet:

I only started playing in April, went through the apprentice leagues with mostly Shaman. On talking with a friend who is consistently at legend, I started using Hunter and have used it exclusively since. Got 8 variations on Hunter decks, which have all seen varying levels of success. Slowly building up my collection, and will eventually use others.

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Based on WOW really Hunter. Warlock, Paladin, Demon Hunter and Warrior. They quick based hit face constantly with some tricks up their sleeve in tight spots. Rogue as well if am bored.

My favourite deck is pistol hunter my own deck creation not posted or will it ever be.


Iā€™ve mained a Rogue for years now. What originally drew me to the class was the Combo mechanic. Something about it just feels right. Also the hero power. At least in the old days, when there was not so much card generation, a single mistake with the dagger swing could cost you the game. So having an additional decision to make each turn really drew me to the class.
Also Edwin.