hallo there…may i ask WHEN WILL YOU Nerf THIS SUPER OP DECK OF HUNTER WITH DEATHRATTLE playing 0 mana rush minions all game clearing the board???
MAY I know when will you NERF mage with those super op decks that kill the game?mage and thrall late game with battle cry MUST BE NERFED YESTERDAY.not today.not tomorrow.yesterday.SUPER NERF THEM. you have make the game SO bad with all those cards.make 1 good desition and SUPER NERF ALL THOSE CARDS.this is not fun any more.simple as that.
suggestion from me as a legend player each month…like so many othe good players…
make those super op cards cant be played more than 2 times in the game.or each time played cost more.THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE playing them.you have to do something for the game.
ty in advance cya))