Hunter problems

Okay so shaman gets Day one nerfs, because galakrond shaman being too strong and all

Meanwhile literally this DUMB class gets a 1 mana quest turn 2 hero power, turn 3 phase stalker + coin + hero power and turn 3 he did allready do 12 damage HOW is that fair compared to something that has to invoke on curve…

Also also super fair that hunter got like super sidequests and stuff because they needed the help right! right? Jesus christ i hate this class with all my heart

no thinking just play cards that say do damage and win. WHY would i want to play anything else TRY anything else if this piece of trash class exsists. and im just DEAD in turn 5… Didnt think that trough huh hearthstone devs. BUT no shaman needs day one nerfs… Wow


I do agree that some classes could be less aggressive as been stated before that why give a class the ability to kill you in 5 turns when you get given 30 cards to start the game.

I think that what you should think about is the sequence of cards that was played and how likely is that to happen consistently ?

Try playing the deck yourself and see how often you can pull that combo to kill your opponent by turn 5.

Thinking this way has helped me understand that HS is a card game and if someone draws the nuts and manages to kill me in 5 turns then there was pretty much nothing I could have done and RNG had decided that game for me. (The well played emote kind of still bugs me a little though :wink: , “Well played I drew the nuts and you could,nt do anything”, Much like a lvl 120 killing a lvl 1 in WoW, And how could a match have been a Well Played when it lasted less than 1 minute, Anyways losing sight of the post here.

Some games will be won purely by RNG and that is something that the HS community sometimes fail to understand.


I honestly see that emote a little different.

Its more like: ok i drew the nuts but yiu did what you could so gg

well if that bothers you so much, then play priest and laugh at them when you are matched against them.

You’re right. Why play other classes if u can instantly win at turn 5. i really hate hunter, but since years blizzard never fixes this broken class.

Hunter is worse than demon hunter unless it is highlander which is a midrange deck, if it was really that broken why do pros use demon hunter if they want aggro to midgame, and highlander hunter for midrange. Every class has its broken cards and combos, druid can get to 7 mana and make a mountseller board on turn 4, warlock can make an alextrasa cost 0 and win without any misplays or setbacks from your opponent, and then maly soulfire you for the OTK next turn.