I am actually Sad

Every other game is a quest WL. I am done with ranked standard until Blizz takes care of this sh…t.

And funny thing is - WL actually has several versions of seedlock - and they work. Great. I am so damn done being killed by my opponent’s fatigue. That is not right, not by far.

Get your stuff together, Blizz.


I stand corrected. Elwynn Boar Quest Priest is pretty crazy in Wild. I’ve done it for the achievement, but it’s a legitimately good deck.

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who is the dev that was thinking about making combo that you can’t interact with it and that you can complete them before turn 5 ? you need to fire this guy he deliberatly wanted to kill hearthstone that’s why the dev the last 5 year wanted to avoid combo deck and when there was combo deck they needed so much card and draw tht i was almost impossible to complete the combo before turn 10-20 …

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I’ve been doing Achievements in Wild, so I built this Handlock deck with the Questline. The questline is optional for extra healing as you don’t aim to complete it.

It’'s turned out to be a solid deck.It’s fun to play.

Handlock Wild

Class: Warlock

Format: Wild

1x (1) Spirit Jailer

1x (1) The Demon Seed

2x (2) Drain Soul

1x (2) Loot Hoarder

2x (2) Vulgar Homunculus

2x (3) Backfire

2x (3) Runed Mithril Rod

2x (4) Shadowflame

2x (4) Spice Bread Baker

2x (4) Twilight Drake

1x (5) Envoy Rustwix

1x (6) Anetheron

1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan

1x (6) Entitled Customer

1x (6) High Inquisitor Whitemane

1x (6) Keli’dan the Breaker

2x (6) Khartut Defender

1x (6) Tickatus

1x (8) Ragnaros the Firelord

1x (9) Flesh Giant

2x (10) Goldshire Gnoll


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Surely you want to run the better handlock cards? The 4 mana spell that makes a minion based on your hand and mountain giants. Plus you want either Juraxxas or bloodreaver guldan. If you’re running the quest you probably don’t need Tickitus as you should win the fatigue battle regardless.

Yea, thanks, I’m aware of those.

It’s not really for ranking. Just for fun. I already reached Legend in Standard with Questline Rogue.

Just stop it. heres 2 yuan in your bank account.

I’m just sharing decks, man.
Not everyone dislikes the game like you do.

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If i disliked it i wouldn’t be here. Stop with this nonsense and find a better hobby. you are misinforming people and your decks are trash.

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Who are you mad at exactly? Did I tell you to spend money on something you don’t want to?

What would you consider a deck that isn’t trash? One that wins 70% of matchups?
It doesn’t exist.

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He’s prolly playing demon seeds and wants more quest warriors as opponents I’m guessing, classic troll move.
Seriously though, they screwed the game even further with this latest expansion, and now with their new moneygrab mode feels like the time to quit, u know it’s only gonna get worse as WoW doesn’t bring in the same amount of money anymore.


Something that’s pretty reliable against Quest Mage is Ramp Druid. You can run the Carnival Clown Version. I like the one with Moontree.
You’re looking to draw your ramping spells Wild Growth/Overgrowth, with a potential discount from Nature Studies.

I’m doing the Druid achievement, so I’m playing this:


Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (1) Animated Broomstick

2x (1) Nature Studies

2x (2) Solar Eclipse

2x (3) Wild Growth

2x (4) Overgrowth

2x (4) Thickhide Kodo

2x (5) Lake Thresher

1x (5) Moonfang

2x (5) Twilight Runner

2x (7) Strongman

2x (8) Cenarion Ward

2x (8) Guardian Animals

2x (8) Primordial Protector

1x (8) Sheldras Moontree

2x (10) Survival of the Fittest


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

the better things they can do at this points in wild is up the mana of all card by 1 mana and make that you can’t reduce cards less than 1 mana. They have so messed up with the power creep is impossible now to go and try to nerf card by cards. without month of work.

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You are not alone mate i think Blizzard really dropped the ball this time… they basically ruined several game modes… Battlegrounds is a huge mess too :frowning:

Battlegrounds is… poorly balanced at the moment but at least it is still fun. I have been able to win with every creature type (though pirates was… hard). What there is though, is a lot of cool creatures and interactions. I think a few tweaks and it could be very good (evolving chromawing to T2 for a start would fix a lot).

I think that questlines have ruined both standard and wild as they are at the moment though - and in a way that is a lor harder to recover from.