I can't keep it up with new expansions ''collection issue''

hey everyone,

how you manage to collect most important cards from last expansion? and the one before, and before?

I feel like every time I get to 30-50% of (Epic Legends) of a new expansion, a new one comes out. and I have to mobilize all my resources to get one or two decent decks in the new one Sometimes by pre-orders, sometimes just through gifted cards and battle pass and ofc using all my gold and dust.

so how do you manage to keep your collections up to date?

That’s the neat part. I don’t.

I just use all my gold and dust to craft things for decks I fancy and everything else just gets to sit there in case I find myself needing it in Wild.

i got you,
but since wild isn’t really playable with all the mad decks , i rather focuse now on Standard.
( i used to be wild only untill 2020) but quit the game, and returned this year.

Unless you are willing to spend a lot of money you will never be able to keep up, thats how the game is designed. Most players simply farm gold throughout the season then next season use that gold to buy as many packs as possible. Dust cards you don’t want to keep so you can craft any remaining cards you need for your deck. I generally keep non-gold cards and dust any gold versions of those cards that I have as you get more dust from golds.

Try to chose 1-2 classes to play only, then you will have enough dust and gold for free. Don’t try to collect all the cards… thats is the key if you don’t want to pay. I chosed Paladin to master so this is the only class I play. Not even spending my gold anymore after every expansion. I have 45 K dust and 25 k gold since. The best dust source is to wait for nerfs. Your job is much more easy if you play only a few classes so can dust the rest when nerfed… or basically everything else you don’t play. However I am not even dusting my extra copies anymore. Thats how I had 4 Oracles to dust when they nerfed it. It is a common card so it is not worth much dust… but you understand I am sure what do I mean.

I used to buy expansions and have a full collection. I stopped around nax time, many years ago. I wised up to their £££ model, so now I just use 2 burner accounts each expansion and don’t spend a penny.

  1. Create 2 accounts (multibox them (google it), you can run 2 instances on the same windows install at once).
  2. Get the best value loaner decks they offer at the start.
  3. Do your quests against each account for efficiency.
  4. Spread out the decks/cards you want over the two accounts.

End of each season both my accounts have 1-3 solid standard decks (capable of high legend ranks), then I bin them on the next cycle if I don’t have enough dust to keep them going.

Good luck.

P.s. Battlegrounds duos is really fun playing both at the same time.

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