I have 30k gold as a BG player, pay2win or quit?

I enjoy playing battlegrounds as a F2P player but I think the current patch has created a pay to win advantage. Why would I want to pay for that even if I enjoy the game? It would destroy the fairness of the game. I have amassed a fortune of 30k gold entirely through BG play, but now overnight none of that currency is possible to be used for BG rewards. I draw the line when it comes to paying for something not earned in-game to gain an instant advantage over other players (4 hero slots). With the release of overpriced skins etc that were almost entirely not possible to acquire with gold, it was still enjoyable to play. Unfortunately, now its not.

With patch release, ALL the gold I earned from battlegrounds cant be used for battlegrounds in any way. Does this seem right to anyone? The major currency earned in the game earned through that game mode is now useless for it. Personally, I think this is a very greedy change to force people to pay2win and doesnt recognise that F2P players have provided a lot of player volume and introduced many other friends to the game too. I suggest Blizzard let players buy battlepass with gold with all perks as well as buy cosmetics at a some price rather than removing all support for the prior only currency.


Unfortunately Blizzard have forgotten how fickle gamers can be especially the casual players like myself. They should remember how many players and how fast they lost them with an update to WOW all those years back.
there are other great games that the casual will probably move to if the milking continues, shame though as i like this game and if the player pool reduces with casual gamers leaving what will happen to this game.


That’s up to you entirely.

I personally wouldn’t bother playing competitively a game that is p2w with scammy tacts. Who says they won’t add more pay walls in the future? They did it once, they might do it again!

That said, you can still enjoy the game as a casual, especially with a friend or two, have a blast with the new quests and move on when you get bored.


Thanks for your opinions guys. I have decided I won’t play Hearthstone anymore in protest until we are allowed to use gold for battlepass again. I feel pretty majorly screwed over having a bank of 30k effectively now worth nothing. No equal value conversion was offered relative to pack prices, nor is there an ability to play without paying for an advantage. Secondary effects are that I don’t feel like buying or paying for any other Blizzard products until this is resolved. Hope fun times return again soon, meanwhile I will play on Steam.


Respect sir ! The game is becoming a greedy joke.

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Update: After discussing with support, Blizzard EU support are not able to compensate players with large gold balances.

My take remains: Blizzard cant go from a F2P model where players were able to earn and stockpile virtual currency as a reward for playtime and one where gold is still possible to be used for pack purchases but not for the mode it was earned on previously. Now earned gold is worth nothing to a BG player and that is wrong. There have been 2 patch notes now since the change and not 1 mention of sorting this out officially. Why not? I wont be supporting Blizzard across any of their games until this is resolved so you are losing a long time player. I will continue to purchase and support Steam games because their support and platform is fantastic, it has nothing to do with money.


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Quit. Blizzard can be compared with my toilet this days. The only difference is that I do not pay when going to the toilet.

No one is forcing you to spend money, though. All modes retain full functionality to free to play players.
Those who wish to spend money, gain something extra;But it’s not winning advantage: just quicker access to new content and extra bling.