There isn’t any. it just says complete them but they aren’t any!
They just added that like every expansion but they removed free cards so it’s an impissible quest to finish because they aren’t any quest line for the new expansion.
My main class being hunter have nothing to do with you being a toxic loser and acting immature towards your opponent my hunter deck is also not what you see in normal matches as i hate premade decks and alway make my own unique decks definitelyfar from perfekt but simply something i have fun using. And yes i did understood it just fine since you are the problem here and not the people you play against.
Yeah i agree that warlock quest of easy to abuse and need changes made to it but its not unbeatable as some high cost decks can stop it by sending out threats that they cant deal with when they lost that mutch hp but clearly you dont know what “cheating” means as they dont break the code or anything of the game.
Well i think mtanis can work good but depends on your opponent really. Take my deck for example who have mostly high cost cards that cost over 5+ and have maybe around 10 cards that cost less then Mutanis is a big threat to my deck while on the other hand i doubt it do mucth against the common mage and priest decks that mostly have spells or low/mid cost.
No i should not change my deck cause unlike you im not the one whining and acts toxic by roping and incase you cant read i even said that i dont have problem dealing with the decks as i made a few adjustments to my deck so that i can deal with them. Im not sure what your on about with netdecking as i never once used a netdeck and i never will as i hate people who are to uncreative to make even simple decisions on their own and have to make a cheap copy of someone else deck.
#applause for you ,pat yourself on the back a few times for being such a stand up person and so much better at this game than every person here on the forum , i mean how can we ever stand in the light of such greatness
Hearthstone has been like this dinosaurs walked the earth. Grim Patron Warrior, Jade Druid, Miracle Rogue, Face Hunter… The meta has always been dominated by a few meta decks. It just happened faster this time because the quests were a big neon sign screaming “build around me.”