Im considering roping every turn

I never thought i would even think about doing this, disrespecting my own time and someone elses time but if you are abusing mage, warlock, hunter quest decks i have no respect for you, for your fun and your time, you are simply taking away from my time, enjoyment and love for the game.

First i know that is very disgusting behavior and i hate it when someone does it to me but im so frustated playing this game because of you.

You are abusing these decks spamming your stupid emotes, thinking you are a good player, when in reality its just overtuned with no counter pay to win deck.

This game is pay to win more than over now because these decks are overtuned.

I have my cards i can effort cards, but im not gonna play these boring decks like you and im not certainly not gonna pay for these decks.

I dont care about ranks and i would never do this to get some cheap ranks, i simply want to enjoy the game and even losing can be fun too especially when the game is not one sided.

But your stupid decks are definition of anti fun, they are scripted, boring and they are way too overpowered. Because of these decks most fun decks are unplayable right now.

I get it every expansion there are top decks such as face hunter, but these quests decks are way way worse, you can actually build around aggro decks but against these decks there is nothing you can do, not putting minions dont work, playing aggro decks dont work, playing control decks are impossible.

You might say dont hate the player hate the game, in this case no i hate both.


Would you like to get off your high horse to receive a medal for your efforts?

What deck are you playing with? you said you a are not gonna pay for decks i respect that but hs was always pay to have a collection, its not pay to win exactly cause having a collection means nothing if you are not good also at the game. Roping every turn is not the solution tho if your deck doesnt work try another or use some gold to buy packs or go arena to build a collection, also if you w8 a couple of days you will see their numbers are already going down cause most using counters that are effective plus their winrates are not that high overall check hs replay and you will see what i am talking about

Would you like to get banned for spamming the same comment or that’s just all the word you know ?

I also play wild and yeah wild is broken and was broken , not everyone plays the broken decks once you hit legend but its true you might have to play one in diamond 5 to legend, the only thing tho i have to disagree there is that the idea of control beats aggro, aggro beats otk and otk beats control not with a ridiculous win rate lets say 60% if that could achieved the game would be balanced and it would welcome all kind of players

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The real problem, netdeckers, which make up 99% of the player base. I’ve been playing since launch, have over 6000 wins with Warrior, hit legend many times, and NEVER have i netdecked or even looked at pre made decks(i didn’t even know it was a thing until i started playing this game so much). If people had the skill to build their own decks HS would be in a much better state, because variety. As it is everyone wants to play the most op top tier decks like their whole life depends on it lol, they don’t really have the capacity to create a deck of their own for some reason i don’t understand?.

So if people stopped netdecking(which they NEVER will as handicap premade decks with guides on how to use and be carried like a mother carrying a new born to victory is the only way they can play and win), the game would be 100 times better and less broke, because what is happening right now… everyone is netdecking the top decks lol.

I find the player base with their toxic manchild emoting, verbal abuse, forum attacking and netdecking far FAR more retarded than the Blizzard devs card designs. It’s the players that, as you put it “abuse” this broken decks and therefor ruin an otherwise pretty well made game.

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Why not just concede instead?

I’m currently at the point where if I’m not playing my best deck in standard/wild (miracle rogue, odd DH) then I will concede to a turn 1 mage who plays coin > incanter’s flow as I feel they have shown the necessary skill to show that they are the better player :smile:

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What is this mentality to always blame people ? and what is it with IF people do that, IF i do this, IF they done that.

The game is unbalanced, They are cards and keywords that shouldn’t be in the game PERIOD! Rogue can OTK you with 1Mana or even less, DH can OTK you even with 30 Armor, Quests are broken and you have no counter to them. Spell that go face and you have zero way to counter them and yet they print more of those cards. it’s been couple of years now that the Meta is shifted towards Aggro/Combo OTK decks and now we are here, An unplayable mess with zero response from the “People” whos job is to make sure that wont happen.

Every cards should be strong while none should be OP. that way, net decks will automaticaly go away if you have the option to defend,counter and play. right now, net decks or not you have to sit and watch your face gets burn while there is only a concede button that is interactive the entire game.

Blame the game not the players, it designed this way and now here we are, this has to change. I don’t play net deck if you want to know, I play my own version of control paladin that is nowhere to be find, just added some Librams to it for more healing.

toxic manchild emoting, verbal abuse, forum attacking

Vague and irrelevant also sexist toward men. you can Ignore all of that, every critic is not an attack. as i said before, blame the game (Product).

PS: Also where are the FREE packs ? there should be a quest line that gives you free packs! did they removed it like every other method of giving free stuff ?

You get them from tavern track instead of a quest

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I totally sympathise with how you feel cos i feel the same. But, these people are only taking advantage of a system this company has created. Blame blizzard for creating and allowing this situation. Creating an environment and mentality of pay to win. And, there is no denying it, it is pay to win whatever you like to call it. This company has created it so they can continue and i understand they need the income to survive. But many other organisations have a pay to play and sometimes win system which is more fair than this one. It is an extortionate pay to win system which feeds of peoples weaknesses and desire to win. It would be nice if players just played for the fun of it which is what it used to be. But this greedy organisation can’t resist the temptation of more, more which is a just a reflection of the bigger problem Blizzard has, treatment of their staff for one. I refuse to play the ranked main game anymore as i can feel the strong pull to do the same and play in a way which is not fun and not fair. If blizzard changes its attitude and mentality then maybe these players will change the way they play and make it fun again. Which is more important, money or respect and fairness? There are signs of change in Blizzard and i would like to believe they can make it better. Lets hope they do.

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But there is a quest line for it but no quest. It says finish new expansions quest line but there isn’t any.

Amir, you need to complete 3 Questlines to earn it.

I am curious, what rogue deck OTKs you with 1 mana?

Go ahead, make my day pitiful creature :wink:

you need to complete 3 Questlines to earn it.

I know, but there aren’t any. it specifically said United quest line, there aren’t any.

what rogue deck OTKs you with 1 mana

The one that put tons of when drawn deal # of damage. play and return cards to your hand which they cost less +spell damage then all the cards cost 1 and 0, draw the whole deck, kill opponent.

Questline refers to the legendary card which each class got. You need to complete three Questline sequences.

This post is honestly just immature. If you have deck that cant deal with the new quest you have 2 choices either change your deck up and replace a few cards to cover your decks weakness or concede but resorting to roping just to be toxic every turn is exactly why heartstone is in need of a report system. I myself play a hunter beast deck and i admit i had a lot of lost matches when quest first came out as my own deck didnt work well with the hunter quests so it took alot of trial and error with minor changes to the deck so i now can counter the quests. But if you just gonna be toxic and rope every turn i hope you eventually get punished for it

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The pot calling the kettle black. Nothing more infantile then saying those that play priest are filthy and deserve to suffer :rofl:

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No its not calling the kettle black you should learn what the saying mean as you just make yourself look stupid when accusing me of it. And its nothing infantile about saying priest deserve it as they have always been the class who you can pick without even having any skill due to the broken cards that are exclusive to priest.

I netdeck, and have been playing Questline Mage and Warlock since expansion release. I blow people up mid-game, get almost daily abuse after my games, and I love it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: