I play every game against a quest pirate warrior. Its not posible to win. The game is too much broken and annoing now. Why Blizzard do nothing with this? Why are you making this game unfun?
Well, its a very noob friendly overpowered deck to play thats why you face alot of quest pirate warriors. It dosnt require much thinking to play the deck, thats what made heartstone so bad over the years, less skill and more rng sadly.
There is no free to play in business… IT’S not broken or bug, its a feature for paying players.
Quest warrior requires 0 thinking and skill that deck plays itself all you have to is play a pirate every turn and you win.
It is made for children with daddys credit card, so they too can enjoy the game and get legend.
I play quest warrior because playing any other deck means losing to quest warrior stop being so salty, it’s a tier 1 deck for a reason. It is simply the quickest way to climb the ladder.
Doesnt change the truth, it is made for simple minded people so they can get legend too which doesnt even matter besides getting some cards but tryhards will try hard i guess.
Im not saying it is the only stupid deck with 0 thinking requirements but it is just at the top.
And you don’t see a problem with only 1 deck being viable?
screw this gonna craft quest warrior…reach rank 1 legend gonna be sik
Im also really tired. 80% of matchups is pirate warrior. Pls can u nerf that sh*t?
I dont see any point in playing standard ranked atm.
Bye bye HS, Hello other game for now.
No it’s not it wins more than others that’s all. I get a 67% win rate with druid 65% win rate with pally and 76% win rate with Pirate. Pirate doesn’t always win you can always draw unlucky hitting coerce X2 smite and your rancor, or hitting your weapons early. Getting the extra damage with cannoneer is vital is aggro match ups. If you draw your top cards you win against most other decks admittedly. But aggro druid would be very close matchup.
Only way to win is go first as secret paladin, draw yogg and hope warrior don’t coin first xd