Imprisoned horror = incorrect mechanic

imprisoned horror basically reads the same as molten giant. however, the blood treant doesnt have an effect on it when it should have.
its absolutely fine if its not intended to work bc it would be too op in the early game. but as it stands right now, the mechanic doesnt match the text.
any thoughts on this?

Hi, spending your hero’s health to pay for a card is not considered as taking damage, that’s why the Treant didn’t modify Horror’s cost.

Adding both cards below for ease of reference.

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but i was comparing imprisoned horror with molten giant. they basically read the same but work differently.

Yeah, you say “Basically” but there is actually a massive difference between the two cards.

Notice that? Molten Giant reads your current health and adjusts the cost accordingly. Imprisoned Horror lowers the cost whenever you take damage, even if you get healed.

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So if “spending your hero’s health to pay for a card is not considered as taking damage” … than why do we take damage? It is our turn and we do take damage, but Blizzard decided to interpret words in theyr way. Just say it’s bug and fix it or change the text!!!