how its possible idiots enjoying and having pleasure of playing zerg dk crap? u idiots spam 1 mana crap “asap” u dont need to think even a little while using this deck, and usually idiots still holding me full rope just for “spam LOW mana cards randomly asap” what a retards… even 4 years old kids can playing those decks these days, what a shame
i think you didnt notice autopilot shaman or terran decks 10 times more brainless and anoyng
spamming random taunts yea, but zerg what is doing? there is no logic in deck, throw 1 mana crap, copy agony for 1 mana or give it reborn and again throw 1 mana buffed from agony crap, and idiots abusing this no brain deck so hard and after match pleasing themselves with thoughts “im pro player” while deck need just to throw cards that fits in mana without thinking at all, they having more pleasure after win than while using this nonsense deck i guess
Kind of funny how people who’re not employed by blizzard can fix this game in a matter of a week and they choose to not do it.
as i said true, but shaman and terran decks in general are worse, so as long as zerg can fk those over im ok with it
The game is already for children aged 4 -7…The designs have been confirming this for years.
The game is more brainless than ever thats for sure… but this is the point where I say it is dead… unplayable now because everything is SC crap. Can’t win 5 matches from 30 because Paladin has no viable strategy left. It will be even worse next week when core will rotate and Leroy will disappear too. I really hope they will do something to buff Paladin because this is just horrible…