Is Hearthstone rigged? Yes ? No?

I have been playing Hs for hours, during today’s day…
I have 3 decks, A/B/C
everytime i pick the Deck A i get matched against the same type of decks (AGRO)
If i go and chose Deck B i will always be matched against Late game decks…
If i play Deck C the only decks i play against are mages and hunters with spells and secrets, IF FOR ANY REASON, i go and make a new ‘’ randoom ‘’ deck … i will get matched against decks completly dif from usual ??? is this even normal ? does it happen to you guys ?


well maybe each deck have it’s own separate mmr or your loses effected your general mmr, which is a hidden rank that helps match you to a “worthy opponent”. it gets frustrating sometimes when all your decks face an unfavorable match ups but that’s not intentional or anything, just how mmr works when you are unlucky…

By nature of MMR itself, Hearthstone is what some would call “rigged”. So yes, it is.

At the same time though, without it, matchmaking would be complete chaos. You’d most likely be facing people far above your own skill and get decimated. So whatever amount of rigging exists is there to make sure everyone has about a 50/50 chance of winning. Of course this can’t be perfect but within these bounds individual skill of piloting their decks comes into play. Whoever plays their deck better with the luck of the draw usually ends up winning, no matter what kind of deck.

It is not rigged bit there are massive algorithms at work.

And no, it is not RNG. If you believe that Blizzards RNG is true RNG (for any of their games, not just HS) then you must run, not walk, to get help.

In recent years Blizzards attitude towards it’s games is that brand new players can beat world class players, even if it is a small chance.

The reason why this attitude was brought in was because younger generations aren’t willing to put in the grind to ‘get gud’. They want to be Leet right now.

That, of course, means that difficult games don’t make money because kids want everything right now.

To my point, these algorithms that are at work try to make sure that anyone can beat anyone which means that you end up with the OPs situation.

I’ve played this game for years. For example; The opponent plays with the Reno deck, the Reno card is always at max. I’ve seen it fall into the opponent’s hand for up to 9 mana. Thousands of times. The Reno card can never be the last card.How unlucky I am.

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How does mmr equal rigged?

picking Hoggar and not getting any pirate in the first 6 turns ! can u please explain that ?

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Not the kind of rigged that some people are trying to make it seem like.
But if matchmaking was truly random, there would be no consistency like I outlined.
So in short, the matchmaking has to be “rigged” for it to function like actual matchmaking. But it doesn’t mean Hearthstone is rigged, you feel me?

True. Matchmaking is rigged. I built a Aggro Paladin deck just to test this out.

Oh look, my opponents just happen to be playing the perfect counter deck to Aggro. Every time. All the time.

Wow, what a coincidence.

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And that post above me makes me feel vindicated in making the clarification. Because it is always taken out of context.

i can feel the pain xD

If that were true every competitive game that uses a ranking is rigged which is stupid

Again, not the kind of rigged you were thinking about.
But some people try to conflate the two.

what are you even saying?

You’re matched by your win rate/loss rate.

As you win games, you’re matched against players with the same win streak as you.

As you lose games, you’re matched against players who have the same win/loss ratio.

That’s all there’s to it. Everything else is just conspiracy theories and confirmation bias.

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Blizzard social media agent. I get it, you’re doing your job, so does my company.
I played a game of “which deck am i playing”. I guessed correctly 10/10 times only by seeing my opponents class and cards. If i’m up against a hunter, it can only be a warlock. If it’s a Mage, it can only be a priest. If it’s some mana cheating aggro deck, it can only be plague DK.

I am no Pegasus from Yugioh, yet I guessed which deck my friend played 10 times in a row just by seeing who my opponent is.

If i play a warrior, i am never getting a mage. Yet if i DO play mage, i will get a warrior.
Also, if your country is not pro Ukraine, you are on blizzards black list. I can’t access a alot of sites in my country.

If i’m playing a greedy deck i get matched up against an even greedier deck that has literally no early game and has 0 chance of winning against aggro, yet it has somehow found me.

How is it possible that I could hit rank 5 in up to 10 days (todays diamond 5) but now I am stuck in platinum 10 at the end of the month.

Am I a worse player after playing for 10 years?

Post deleted to allow Blizzard employees to go home early and make pancakes. Cinnamon is always a good choice.

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yeah its rigged will be bothered when i ask for refund

Gamazor: You know how much unpaid wages Blizzard would owe me if I were what you think of me?
I live in Israel, and I’m originally from Ukraine. I immigrated from there when I was 9. What does that have to do with anything?

I have good command of English, because I work with customers, and I majored in English Linguistics. Anything else you wish to know?

I’m just a long-time fan of the game, who sees things differently and doesn’t fixate on his losses.
You can spin all the theories you want. It won’t make them true.

blizzerd noes that I’d have ~80% win rate so they rig the game against me. they also give better RNG to players who spend more money, the more you spend the better RNG you have.