Lackey generation not random

I am starting to thing that there is more things broken in this game than just the android client that freezes randomly ingame after the Doom from the tomb update. Its lackey generation - it seem that there is a far higher chance to generate the Mr. Thrash - Titanic Lackey. In last two games I played in total 2x Cable Rat, 1x Evil Miscreant and all four lackeys were titanic which sunk my game better than its captain did.
To give you a quick math: 20% * 20% * 20% * 20% = 0.16% which translates to 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.2 = 0.0016 chance… I have never won a lottery, nor do I believe in fate. But this game seem to beat the odds far often than it is healthy

There is a far smaller chance to win the lotery.

Anyhow, you need a greater sample size to confirm your theory, I could say I played 10 cable rats and never got the Titanic Lackey, therefor the lackey is the least likely to appear of them all

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Buy more pakcs to influence rng


thats more than possible