Last 10 mana chaotic tendril is bad

I noticed when playing my rogue chaotic tendril deck, that the last one, ONLY plays the 10 mana lock spell table flip. It used to be a 50/50 with the mage spell do 10 dmg split and summon 10 mana minion. That one got brought back to 9 mana.

Is it possible to lock the last tendril to 9 mana or add a new 10 mana spell or buff the lock card to also do hearo dmg??

Also if possible have the “random” spells be usefull. It’s so frustrating the first tendril i play gets deleted by a spell or my deck gets destroyed or draw cards until i go into fatigue.

Yeah, 1 mana 3 damage to all enemy minions is bad. Ima guess that you’re a warrior and say 1 mana 6 damage is also bad :thinking:

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There is no point in playing chaos tentril decks anymore, rip, it was fun and not even that good, they are retarded for nerfing this

They only need to nerf Brann, not all the cards around it.

‘’ It’s so frustrating the first tendril ‘’
There are so many frustrating situations in this game that they can’t be counted.
Example: New paladin deck, summoning 3 cards from the deck and destroying the player at once.
A magnificent thought, a magnificent idea, epics are written in the name of this idea. Work hard to prepare a deck. Then suddenly die. Such great ideas receive a standing ovation.Keep it up, dear design team, rest assured we applaud you.

making him a cheap minion and “the next battlecry you play this turn happens twice” would be fine. he’s incredibly broken regardless of if he’s drawn lategame currently.