Legend Rank system is so bad

Hello . Guys wtf is this new Legend Rank system. Win give me 10 rank and lose decrease 30-40. How i can climb ! i win 3 game and lose one and back to my old rank :)) i am rank 700 now. was 390 and playing game decrease my rank more and more because of trash system… so boring
i think they must change this system…

It’s because the system is based on MMR. If you are R500 and the game matches you vs someone who is R1000, you will gain f.e. 20 Legend ranks for a win, but will lose 50 ranks for a loss.
I agree that it’s very frustrating. The core of the problem is, that there really is not much difference between facing a R500 player and a R1000. Wins/Losses are mostly explained by variance and not by skill in such matches. And yet, if you get unlucky vs a R1000 player when you are R500, you get severely punished. Last season I started playing a new deck and I had a 58% win rate over a few hundred games at high Legend, meanwhile my rank still remained the same. So 58% win rate, but still same Legend rank.
The positive side of this is, that it’s very difficult to actually become R1-16. So in a way, the system punishes the weaker players, albeit disproportionately, while allowing the best to rise to the top.
As a R150-R1000 Legend player, I can’t say I particularly enjoy the way ranks are calculated, but at the end of the day, it’s probably for the best.

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