Loatheb causes spells to cost more than 10 mana

Should spells cost more than 10 Mana in principle? Re-triggering loatheb card effect 2 times in wild mode makes it possible… it is unfair

Well just playing Loatheb makes playing any 6+ mana spell cost 11+.

I don’t mind it as I always saw Loatheb as battlecry: opponent can’t play spells next turn.

Druid being able to get to 20 mana now does make the numbers above 10 relevant as well.

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Loatheb is designed to be a card that effectively “almost” prevents all enemy spells for one turn. With double battlecry (which requires at least two cards or serious set up) it becomes “fully” prevent except for Druid after playung Guff.
A card that does what it is designed to do. I don’t think it has ever, in any meta, been in any list of extremely overpowered cards. It still requires you to have a good read on your opponent to decide when to play Loatheb. And that buys you one turn. You’ll still face that same hand of cards the turn after.

Yes, if you play a deck that relies heavily on spells, then an opponent Loatheb really sucks. But since Loatheb is quite literally designed to be a counter to spell-heavy decks, I see no problem in that.

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If you can retrigger loatheb then its fair , its been like that since always .

considering that the game has absolutely dumb in design shudderwok that would make ur spells cost 300 after he plays it 100 times - no
i would literally reduce the amount of battlecryes shudder can play and not make it possible to make spells cost more than 10
it should not make ur cards dead in hand

They did that in the past i dont know if they unnerfed it or not but shudder shaman is ok as it is. He counters a lot of stuff in the meta and also it loses from a normal amount of decks , plus whatever people might argue shudder shaman is a deck that require skill and thinking to play. If you can mimic loatheb a couple of times and lock out of play a quest hunter or a druid then that is fine , druid need a hard counter and hunter is impossible to reach a shudder turn so no point there unless you have a combo for hunter only.
Some things are making the meta healthy so stop asking for meta to be more toxic than it is, loatheb is one of those cards that is super balanced and making the meta healthy, it sucks when it locks you out of a game, it happened to me as well, but fine its not the norm
There are far worse combos out there that require zero thinking and you just lose to them that are toxic