Lunara, Malfurion and the Thunder King

I was expecting a Token Druid when the Tavern Keeper announced my Thunder King was going to face Lunara. It didn’t take long to realize Thunder was facing a Taunt Druid. He generated as many Jade Golems as possible in the first turns, both to contest the board and to fuel Shudderwock.

Thunder King had a plan, however… Zentino was waiting for his time to shine! But until turn 9 there was no Jade Lightning or Hex to play it with and Hadronox was a concern… a big one. The King protected a Mana Tide Totem with a Thing from Below, hoping he could draw as much as possible. Lunara was taunting too and behind it appeared Vargoth, summoned from a Oaken Summons that, inevitably, recruited one more minion per Vargoth’s instructions. Under their protection Lunara called for the help of Malfurion the Pestilent.

The Mana Tide Totem provided an Hex, Malfurion killed Thunder King’s board but a 5/5 Jade Golem. Shudderwock arrived to assist and filled the board with Golems (up to 10/10), added a pair of Jade Claws to the King’s hand and healed him… it was good. Malfurion played another King, The Lich, to take the Thunder’s Throne. He then Naturalize’d the biggest Golem and Vargoth, annoyingly, Naturalize’d the second biggest Golem.

Malfurion had 60 health if we account for taunts, health and armor. There was a chance of lethal from Devolve. The Thunder King picked it and as he was about to play it Zentino screamed “YOU HAVE TWO HEXES! WE CAN DEAL WITH HADRONOX! SET IT UP!” And so it was. The Lich King, Vargoth and some despicable spidery thingy became little frogs that the green army quickly stomped, delivering the remaining pain to Malfurion himself.

Everything was setup. Shudderwock and Zentino were the commanders of a small army of Golems and The Thunder King had in his hand one Jade Lightning, one Hex and many more Golems to call if needed.

Malfurion had one last trick up his sleeve. The Lich King gave him an Army of the Dead before he left this world. A powerful army was summoned, including Hadronox, the foul beast The Thunder King feared. The Thunder King Hex’ed Hadronox and two other minions with Zentino’s help.

With the hedious beast forever lost, Malfurion lowered his head and accepted defeat.


10/10 truly an amezing tale that will be passed down over generations of Jimmys and Timmys

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Do one for all your games.


Good story, I chuckled. Tell us more!

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Glad you enjoyed it. I loved this game and was going to share it but then I wrote the first sentence and it came out as a story, which, if I’m honest, I had a lot of fun writing. In case you want to check the actual match, find the link below.

Feel free to give feedback on the match too, by the way. Glad to hear feedback. I should also write about this deck, it’s so swingy.


It’s an interesting deck for sure. But I don’t understand all choices.

I mostly struggle with Zentimo. I mean, the synergy with the two Hex’es is obvious, and I guess there’s also some synergy with Jade Lightning. But with just those three spells, do you benefit often enough? Perhaps you can cut a card somewhere and add in one or two copies of Unstable Evolution. You already have lots of excellent evolution targets in your deck: Antique Healbot, Thing from Below, Jade Spirit and Chieftain, and of course all the jades themselves that are slightly understatted for their cost.
Imagine, after the Shudderwock turn, if your opponent has to leave a few jades up and you can Zentimo + Unstable Evolution those…

I also don’t understand why you kept Zentimo it in your opening hand? He won’t survive if you drop him turn 3; you only want to play him along with a targeted spell, as you did in this game - which for the current version of the deck means turn 7 earliest. And I’m willing to bet that most of the time you’ll hold him until later yet, for you don’t really want to triple-hex the average turn 7 board if you can keep the combo to triple-hex a turn-10+ board.

The Jade Claws / Rummaging Kobold combo is genius, though!

Two spells actually, but yes, I do benefit a lot from it. He is useless in the games I struggle against, e.g. Odd Paladin. If I survive turn 6 or 7, usually I win and Zentimo has been amazing.

That’s a brilliant idea actually! And Zentimo would approve, I’m sure.

Because I confuse him with Rummaging Kobolds… That mulligan was a mess actually.

Indeed, and it fuels Shudderwock. If I spend my early turns only playing those two cards, I can have a Shudderwock that gives me two extra Jade Claws and creates 5/5, 6/6, 7/7 and 8/8 jade golems and I would still have all other jade cards to play.

Two copies of Hex, one copy of Jade Lightning. That’s three total.
I went by the decklist included in the replay. Perhaps you changed it later?

I’m guessing the deck tracker didn’t identify the deck correctly and didn’t upload the full deck. I’m running 2x Hex and 2x Jade Lightning for a long time, with no changes.

You’re right. I had not noticed before, but your deck has only 24 cards. :wink: